XXVI. An Unexpected Request

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Becca hit Niklaus on the door of the cottage as she was shedding his clothes. Niklaus was impatient as his wife when she tossed his waistcoat away and he pulled the shirt over his head. His muscles were reflected by the candlelight that illuminated their cottage. Before Becca can do anything, Niklaus was ripping her fichu and kissing her collarbone as well as her neck.


"Yes, my love?" Niklaus said as he was removing the buttons of her gown before she was stepping out of the bodice as well as the skirt, leaving her standing in her chemise as Niklaus was smiling at the half-nakedness that his wife was in.

"Now, remove it for me," he said before his hands were moving toward his breeches, removing the buttons slowly as Becca was pulling the laces that were holding her chemise together. She tugged at it and the cloth was giving away, showing her husband the top of her breasts before she shrugged the chemise from her shoulders. Niklaus was removing the breeches as he stood there with his erection in his hand.

"Come here," he said before Becca was stepping away from her clothes. She was walking naked toward her husband as her pale skin was cascading in candlelight, making it harder for Nick to think about anything but have her skin against his while the dawn was hours away.

"You're beautiful, my love," Nick said as he was pulling her by the waist as Becca put her hands on his chest. His hard chest was hard against her soft fingertips as they were staring at each other, both eyes were pure obsidian with the indication that their demons were close tonight.

"I think I would never be like this but I cannot think anything but to have you claimed by me again, my love," Becca said before she was pushing him against the door and kissed his chest. Niklaus sighed before her soft mouth was moving up to his neck as she suckled and licked over his pulse. Then, she was claiming his mouth before she was hooking her legs around his torso and Nick was pushing against her wet, inviting canal. They both moaned before she was moving with his rhythm, knowing that they could hardly wait for anything.



They were moaning as Nick's back was hitting the door while Becca was gripping his hair. They were at it like animals in heat before she was biting on his lower lips. Becca was panting and gasping against his mouth before her first climax hit her hard. She moaned as Nick was still pushing in and out of her core. She gasped before Nick was biting her neck, not hard enough to draw any blood.

"I love you," Becca moaned before Nick was turning his body as he hit Becca against the door. Her back was grazing against the wood before she was pulling him closer as her grip tightened. Nick was moving like a crazed man in heat before she felt the impending of his climax. She was moving with him as she wanted Niklaus to finish inside her.

"Come with me,"


Niklaus groaned when he felt the walls of her core were gripping and clutching against his cock. He moaned before jets and jets of hot semen were hitting and painting Becca's core. He grunted before he was biting on her neck as he drew blood against his tongue, triggering Becca's third orgasm as they were riding the high pleasure. After a few moments, they were breathing hard as Nick was licking the wound that he inflicted before he was nuzzling her neck. Becca was breathing hard before she was smoothing her fingers against his back.

"Well, that was a start," Becca said before Nick leaned back and looked at his wicked wife before he moved toward the bed. His wife giggled before they landed as Nick was kissing her face and claimed her mouth.

"I love you," he whispered before he was showing her more ways to be wicked on their wedding trip.


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