XV. Welcoming the Change

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It did not take long for them both to get out of their clothes as Becca was only wearing a thin gown as well as a chemise. Then, she was removing her husband's garment before they were both naked in front of each other. Becca was turned around as Niklaus was kissing her neck.

"This will be the start of something new between us, my love. No more lies. No more secret," Niklaus stated as she was nodding at him. Niklaus was playing with her body before he was kneading her breasts as Becca was leaning against his hard chest.


"Becca, my love," Niklaus called after her before she was feeling his lips on her neck. Becca was trying to focus on his mouth but failed when she felt the hardness against her backside. Niklaus chuckled before he whispered to her ear. "You're mine now and forever, Lady Rebecca Dragomir,"

"And I am yours forever to behold, my love," Becca said before Niklaus was punching his teeth inside her neck, the very place where he has punched earlier when she was inside the room with him being insane.

Not insane, just not enough blood that his Demon had to take control of his sinful body.

Becca moaned before Niklaus was sucking on her blood. Her nipples hardened as he was kneading them while her core was wet and moist, ready for his cock. If anything, the blood-sucking was intimate, erotic even in her opinion.

Niklaus spoke the ancient language of the Origins. Becca did not know a word of it but she knew what her husband was saying between them will be forever bound between them. This was also known as The Marriage Vow; the exchange of sacred Vows between two soulmates.

Becca can hardly believe that she was Niklaus' soulmate. The Old Plain Rebecca Davis.

"Now you're mine and I am yours, Becca," Niklaus said as he was biting his wrist and sucked on the blood before he was kissing Becca again. This time, Becca felt the tangy flavor on her mouth as she was licking the lower lips after Niklaus was breaking the kiss.

"Spread for me," Niklaus instructed her as she was laying back on the bed. Becca was spreading herself for her husband as Niklaus was kissing her flat stomach and going down on her. "You will be the mother of my children and my anchor if I was to losing control of reality," Niklaus stated as Becca was breathing hard.

"Yes, I am yours to keep, my love," Becca said as Niklaus was looking at her between her thighs.

"Good girl," he said before he was diving for his course. Niklaus was sucking on her clit as she was moving with his rhythm. Becca never thought that lovemaking would be this powerful, intimate, and even passionate.

She was moaning as Niklaus was plunging his tongue inside her core before she was grabbing his hair. Becca was gasping and panting before Niklaus removed his mouth and making his way up. He was aligning himself with her core before she was being slammed down by her husband. Becca screamed a silent scream before they both moaned at the contact. Then, Niklaus was moving ever so slowly in and out of her core.

"Faster, my love," Becca moaned as Niklaus was smirking at her.

"And why would I do that? I love it when you're panting and writhing underneath me, my love," Niklaus teased his wife as Becca was gripping his hair tight.

"I swear, Dragomir if you don't move faster—" everything died on her lips as Niklaus was thrusting inside her core faster, deeper and stronger. Becca moaned before she felt the familiar sensation that was building inside her from the toes.

"Yes, Nick, oh yes!" She panted before Niklaus was grunting on top of her. They were both trying to get past the ecstasy of the lovemaking as they were reaching their pinnacles together.

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