XIV. Wedding Gift from Mother

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Becca was sitting in her chamber before she was looking at the ceiling. She was laying down on her back as she was trying to learn and make sense of her husband's new secret. It was one thing to have a scandal and one thing to have this secret of being a Vampyre.

Becca thought she could handle it.

But of course, it was not easy to forget when she can still fill the sting of his sharp teeth into her skin as she was laying on his bed. It was not...pleasant but the feeling of getting intimate with Niklaus to that level of sharing her blood, was...turning her on.

Not to mention when Niklaus has the body of a god.

Becca was shaking her head before she was sitting up and she was drawing her knees to her chest. She was looking at the gaslights that were shining her chamber before she was sighing. She did not know what to do when she was looking at the glistening engagement and wedding ring of hers. Only Niklaus can remove them. But she doubted that she would be free after she knew his secret.

"What should I do?" Becca mumbled before she was looking at the bookshelves that were filling up. She was looking at the familiar wrapper before Becca stood up and went to the bookshelves. She was taking the present that Lady Georgia was giving her.

"Only open it when you are on a rough patch with your husband, darling," her mother reminded her as Becca was tapping her fingers on the present. Then, she shrugged.

"This is a rough patch between us," she mumbled before she was sitting at her desk. She was lighting up the candle before she was looking at the wedding gift from her parents. She removed the wrapper before she was looking at the familiar book in her hand, The Niapachad Island; in the perspective of The Origins.

She was tracing her fingers on the front cover of the book before she was opening it. It was her book, why would her mother give her this? Then, Becca stopped as she was reading the name of the book.

Lady Georgia Davis, the name that I shall carry forever.

Cursive writing was her mother's. So, this is not my book then, Becca mused before she was looking at the familiar introduction of the island's history. But there was something that she never saw in the book before.

It was a note that was written by her mother.

I never thought that I would uncover the gentry's secret once I was married to one of them. I thought it was all lavish balls and flirting with the lords but no. It was more than that. It was a secret that would turn every person to avoid them. They were good at keeping their secrets, these lords.

But of course, I captured the attention of one of them.

Lord Matthew Davis.

He was not the most handsome between them but I knew that deep down, he was different. He did not engage in banter and chasing skirts around when I first laid my eyes on him. He was smiling at me and approaching me to dance with me at my first-ever ball. We instantly clicked and we shared common interests. He was charming as well as caring about my wellbeing. When he decided to marry me, I was overjoyed and I cannot think of anything else at the time.

Until my parents did not allow us to continue our courtship.

I begged them to state the reason but they refused. Then, I made my path. I eloped with Matthew and it was the best decision of my life. And when he told me that he was a Vampyre, I knew instantly the legend, the rumor about the gentry was real. I was a part of the legend when Matthew asked for my blood. I gave it to him since he would die if he did not have enough blood in his system. And we made love all night after that secret was out. I could care less about his secret as long as I was happy and Matthew was my happiness.

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