XXV. Playing Tourists

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"This is not something that I will be expecting to wear around here," Becca said as she was looking at herself when she was wearing a simple day gown in muted brown as well as with fichu and an apron to her skirt. She then put on her bonnet before she turned to look at Niklaus who was wearing a simple white shirt with a brown waistcoat and black breeches.

He looked deliciously devilish in those clothing as he would be wearing his court clothes.

"And you look amazing in it, my love," Niklaus said as he went to kiss her neck. Becca sighed before she was leaning back against his shoulder. Now, she did not want to go out into the village to explore for she wanted to do wicked things to her duke.

"I see that look on your face, Becca. And no, I promised you that I will be giving you a tour for our wedding trip hence this has to happen," Niklaus said as he was waving at their clothes. Becca arched her eyebrow when she turned to look at her devilish husband.

"And why would we be wearing like this?" she said as Nick was smiling.

"You're in for a surprise," he replied with a wink before Becca sighed. She rubbed her temples before putting her hand on the crook of Niklaus' elbow.

"Sometimes, I don't know if I want to see your surprise, my love. It's tiring," Becca said before Niklaus was opening the door as the butler was somewhere else in the cottage. Or perhaps, he was not around when they were in resident. This cottage was after all for their wedding trip that required privacy. Becca blushed at the thought of the butler to hear her screams of pleasure last night and more to come.

"Shall we, my love? Are you alright?" Niklaus said before Becca was focusing on him. His eyes were searching her face before Becca was smiling and shaking her head.

"I'm alright. Just a little breathless, I would say," she said as she was smiling at her husband. Niklaus was smirking at her, knowing that she was thinking something wicked.

"Well, we should not be wasting more time then or we would not have time for more wicked things," he whispered to her left ear that made Becca looking around for the footman or the driver to hear what they were discussing. Becca turned to look at Nick before smacking his arm playfully as the duke was laughing before they were looking at the horses that Niklaus no doubt bought it on impulse.

"Shall we, duchess? I know you love riding," Niklaus said as Becca was narrowing her eyes at the double meaning of the word. She took the reins from the groom as she was preparing to mount the horse.

"Absolutely. I have a lot of practice, my lord," she said before Niklaus laughed again. She smiled as she mounted the horse before Niklaus did the same. He nodded at the grooms before they left the courtyard of their cottage. Becca did not see any stable around their property but who knew what Niklaus had to her surprise. She turned to look at her husband before he was whipping his reins and the horse moved forward.

"Come on, duchess. We don't want to miss the opportunity to play as tourists now, do we?" Niklaus said as he turned to glance over his shoulder as he was smirking at Becca. She narrowed her eyes before digging her knees on the sides of the horse and moved to follow her husband to explore the village of Moorgis.


"Come and get your fresh fish! It just comes from the sea!"

"Potion! Elixir! Get yours today!"

"Fresh food for the family! Come and get some!"

The marketplace in the village was lively as ever. Becca never had anything like it for she was walking around, disguising herself to be a part of the village community that was made up of farmers and fishmongers. They were exuberant to sell their welfare and Becca could not help to be looking at each vendor to know the specialty of Moorgis.

The Duke Who's Devilish (Higher Court I)Where stories live. Discover now