XVIII. Carriage Riding on Fire

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Becca smirked when Niklaus was kissing her again and this time, she knew that he would not stop at their kiss. They would have sex and it excited her so much as the slick wet evidence between her legs was filling her. She moaned when Niklaus was kissing her jaws and neck before he was licking his mark through the choker that she wore. His hands were busy taking apart of her day gown as he undid the lacing of her bodice before her husband was shoving the sleeves off from her shoulders.

"Nick," she moaned before her fingers were removing the buttons of his waistcoat as well as his suit. She shoved it off from his broad shoulders as the clothes hit the carriage floor. She was staring at the white linen shirt that Niklaus wore before she was kissing his throat, feeling the pulse on his neck as her heartbeat was moving fast.

"Take it, my love. I know you haven't had any blood since the conversion," he said before Becca felt something against her gums. It was a stretch that she never felt before but when her tongue was caressing there, she felt a sharp pain as her canines were sharper and longer than usual. Niklaus must have read the expression on her face as his face softened.

"Your body is going through the change. I don't think it would be this quick but the symptoms will be showing more prominently later. Now, for your feeding," he said before he was putting her head against his neck. Becca was inhaling the masculine scent that was totally his. Sandalwood. And it's arousing her even more as her canines elongated.

"Take my blood, my love," he whispered as Becca was kissing his pulse. She did not know what was happening but her body has a mind of its own. Becca was closing her eyes as she was kissing the neck before grazing her canine against the hot skin. Niklaus moaned before she was gripping his shoulders and punctured her canine through the skin.

Hot liquid filled her mouth as the taste exploded in her mind. Becca was moaning as she was thrusting her hips against Niklaus' erection that was visible through his breeches. She was drinking the liquid that tasted tangy and salty before she licked her tongue on the holes that she made. It closed immediately before Becca was looking at Niklaus' face.

He smiled as he was rubbing his thumb against her lower lips before licking the leftover blood on his thumb. He sucked on his thumb before Becca was shoving his hand away and claimed his mouth. Their tongues dueled before she was on top of him as she was undoing the lace of his shirt before she was pulling it over his head.

His hard chest was gleaming in the dim light as the gaslights were dim enough to come through the window of the carriage. Niklaus was pushing her bodice down to her waist before he was undoing her corset. The cold air hit her hardened nipples before Becca shivered.

"You look so gorgeous, my love. My duchess," Niklaus whispered before he leaned forward and took one nipple into his mouth. Becca arched her back against his mouth as his hands were bunching her skirts to her waist. He slipped his hands inside her chemise before finding her core as his fingers were grazing them. Becca moaned louder.

"Nick," she whispered as she was rubbing against his fingers before Niklaus put two fingers inside her core. She jerked before she rode his fingers. Niklaus was sucking on her nipple as she rode his fingers. The pleasure was increasing before his thumb pushed against her clit as Becca clamped on his fingers as the orgasm hit her. Niklaus released her nipple with a pop.

"Now, you're ready for me, my love," he said before he was removing the buttons on his breeches. He pulled it over as his cock was hitting his stomach. Becca was licking her lips before she was kneeling in front of him as she was gripping his thighs before she was kissing the tip that was leaking precum. Niklaus moaned before Becca slipped it into her hot mouth. Nick jerked against the couch.

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