VI. Married into the Higher Court

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"This is fucking great. We're inside of a fucking prayer house," Niklaus was whispering to his best man, Ian, as the marquis was chuckling at the duke. Niklaus glared at his friend before Ian was arching his eyebrow.

"I thought you want to keep the secret until the end?" He taunted Niklaus before he was gritting his teeth.

"It would be nice if it was not a fucking church. Why do you have to do such a stupid thing, Ian?" He hissed before the young queen of Niapachad Island was coming up to Niklaus.

Queen Arabella Dragomir was the 10th monarch that ruled Niapachad Island. Her husband, Aiden, was the Prince Consort as she was greeting Niklaus. He smiled at his cousin before Queen Arabella was hugging him.

"Ara, I thought you would not come here. How surprising!" Niklaus said as the young queen was giggling as she was holding her husband's arm. Aiden was nodding at Niklaus and Ian. Being the lords that were working in the Higher Court, they would have a closed relationship with the young Queen and Prince Consort.

And of course, the fact that Niklaus was related to the young queen as her cousin from her paternal line.

"Of course I would be coming here, cousin. Your parents would roll in their graves if I did not come and be a part of this celebration," Ara said as she was smiling at him. Niklaus smiled weakly.

"Your parents would be rolling inside the graves as well," Niklaus stated before Arabella was rolling her eyes. The late King and Queen of Niapachad Island have been died by a sudden attack.

Their deaths were still under investigation led by Baron of Fell.

"Whatever. I could care less but I was too curious to see your future bride," the young queen said before Ian chuckled. Niklaus glared at his best bud.

"Well, that is a very interesting question. Niklaus here has snatched—"

"Lords and Ladies, please take your seats. The wedding will be starting now," the archbishop stated before the young queen and the prince consort were saying their goodbyes before they took their seats. Ian was standing next to Niklaus before he was looking at the oak doors.

"I hope you're ready," Ian whispered to him as Niklaus was smirking.

"I was born ready for this," he whispered before the door opened and the Wedding March was playing. Niklaus was greeted with the sight of an emerald green wedding gown that was out of society's norm. He can hear the mumbles and chatters of the polite society when his bride was standing tall in her shoes as her father, Lord Matthew was walking her down the altar. Niklaus forgot to breathe when Lady Rebecca Davis was walking toward him. She was gliding like a swan before Ian was whispering to him.

"Breathe, Nick. You're pale," he stated before Niklaus was blinking his eyes and took a deep breath. He was smiling at the approaching bride with the bold spirit of defying the society's norm as she was standing in front of him, in an emerald wedding gown, with a black veil covered her face.

Looks like someone was trying to defy this wedding and create scandal as much as she can, Niklaus mused to himself before the archbishop was clearing his throat.

"Dearly beloved Lords and Ladies, we gathered here today—"


Becca was breathing hard through the black veil that she instructed Lady Ivashkov to match as she was trying to put as much rebellion to this wedding as she could. Her mother cannot complain when she was requesting this bizarre veil, as well as the wedding gown, should be in emerald green, not the white that most brides would take.

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