XXVII. The Sister's Estate

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Nick did not hear anything about Russell Davenport for he was one of the Lesser Gentry and he never stood for his father at court but that didn't mean that Nick would not be making inquiries about his fellow peer of the realm. It would be a shame if the Duke of Belikov, cousin to the current queen did not know anything about his fellow lords, Higher Court or Lesser Gentry.

He was navigating Msallste Square with ease as he was looking around to make sure that he was on the right track to find the estate that Becca's oldest sister would be residing. If he did not know any better, Niklaus would say that Becca was agitated to meet her sister. Was it because it has been a long time, not thinking about the time that her sister came to their estate as a surprise for her? Or was Becca felt like she cannot face her sister without saying anything about the secret that she now held till the end of her life?

"Are you alright, my love? You look...kind of off today," Nick said as he was soothing her on her lower back as he was moving them toward the private cobblestone streets that would lead to the residential area of Msallste Square. Not mentioning that Fell Estate was around the corner as well but Nick knew that his fellow baron was not at his estate for he has an urgent task for his cousin, the young queen Arabella.

"I don't know, my love. I feel...different but not in a good way. I thought it might be the...demon inside me," Becca said as she was leaning against his left ear. Nick smiled before he pulled her closer and tucked her underneath his shoulder for maximum security before they were walking toward the residential area that would eventually lead to her sister's estate.

"Do not worry now, my love. I know that you can control that demon and I am here to help you to get through it. I think you handled it pretty well for the last 2 weeks," Nick said with a smirk as he knew exactly how Becca controlled the demon.

Keyword: sex. Lots and lots of sex. Hot, wild, rough sex during their wedding trip.

Becca blushed as she knew what was Nick implying to her. She cleared her throat as she was gripping her skirts while one hand was rested against her fichu to make sure that her skin was not showing to the world, even when they were walking during the night time in North Msallste.

"Come on now. We should be arriving soon and I think I can saw the estate from here," Nick said as he was tugging his wife and walked on the sidewalk of the cobblestone, tucking Becca underneath his shoulder and away from the road for you never knew when any runaway carriage might be hitting your wife. Niklaus just liked to be prepared and ready for anything. His wife sighed before turning slightly to hug him underneath his coat as they were making their way upward toward the buildings that were made out of stones. It showed the wealth of the person who resided in those particular houses until Nick spotted the estate that would be under the care of Lord Russell Davenport.

Also known as Becca's brother-in-law and he's Nick's family now.

"Ah! You find them," Becca said before she was turning to look at him. Her face lit up as she was gripping her skirts with both hands before running up the hill as she spotted someone that was waiting for them. As if her sister would be prepared to meet Becca, her youngest sister for Niklaus felt something foreboding with this visit after all.


Becca moved with urgency as she was smiling from ear to ear as she spotted Rosetta from afar. She was afraid that her sister would not love it when she did not let her know first and foremost that she will be coming with Niklaus but what does a family member do when they wanted to show up unannounced?

That should thrill her sister more.

Unfortunately, as Becca was approaching her sister closer and closer, she noticed that there was another carriage that was situated at the front gate of the estate. She moved slower as she recognized the emblem that was on the carriage. Oh no, this is a lovely surprise, she thought before she picked up the pace again as she knew that her other sister, Rosanna was coming to visit their oldest sister as well.

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