XXII. Night of Paradise

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Nick was looking at his wife as Becca was brushing her hair down her back. It was enchanting enough that he did not go to her and did it himself since she was frowning at her own reflection in the vanity mirror. The silk robe that was clinging to her lithe figure hid nothing from his view as Nick was waiting for her to join him in their bed.

"What are you thinking about, my love? So deep in thoughts that I can see some lines are forming on your forehead," he said before Becca was glaring at him through the mirror before she set her comb down and turned to look at him. He smirked as the robe opened slightly at her chest. He knew that his wife was naked underneath the robe as well as he was underneath the cover of their bed.

"Are you mocking me, Lord Niklaus Dragomir?" she asked before she was throwing daggers with her eyes. If looks can kill, it will be his wife right now.

"Not that I am complaining about the view, my dear, but I think you need to come here so that some of the lines will vanish afterward," he said before Becca snorted before she turned to look at the vanity mirror again. She was putting something on her hands before she dabbed it to her face. Niklaus never thought that his wife will have a night routine but since she was a human before he converted her, the old habits die hard when her skin was practically glowing as the Demon was inside her veins.

"I don't think my lines will vanish simply I go to bed, Nick. I need to put some of the witch hazel so that it will disappear. Now, do not distract me," she said as she was dabbing her skin. Nick was chuckling softly before he flung the coverlet away as he strode toward her. She was shocked to see that he was naked but Nick was not surprised when he saw there was desire and lust in her eyes as she was eyeing him up and down.

"Liking what you see, my love?" he whispered as Nick was brushing his mouth to her left ear Becca shivered as she was closing her eyes and leaned back to his hard chest. "Come to bed with me. I'm lonely when you're not there, my love," he said as he was pulling Becca by her wrist. She obliged as her robe was dishabille by his expert hands before he was pushing his wife to sit at the edge of the bed. Becca was still dazed as she was looking at him with her green orbs filled with lust before Nick was kneeling between her thighs.

"Spread your legs for me, my love," he commanded as Becca obeyed. His nostrils were hit with her essence even before he was looking at the nether lips. It was glistening with her nectar before Nick was gripping her thighs with his rough, calloused hands. "I think it has been a long time since I have your taste on my mouth, love," he said as he was caressing her inner thighs. Becca frowned.

"I thought it was only yesterday,"

"Shh, you should not be talking when I was trying to seduce you to do what I ask in bed," he said as Nick was trailing his wet kisses to her inner thighs. Becca leaned her head back as she was gripping his hair between her fingers.

"Sorry, I did not know that you want me to be quiet tonight," she replied before Nick was making his way to her nether mouth. It was calling to him by the way her nectar was thickening and getting wetter than before. Becca was breathing heavily as she was turning to look at him when he was closer to her core.


"Shh, just let me enjoy you, my love," he said before his tongue was swiping at her slit. Becca jerked away from his touch but his hands prevented her to get away from him. He chuckled before Becca was gripping his hair even more before he was locking his eyes with her green orbs.

"What do you want me to do, my love?" he whispered huskily as his tongue was taking some of her nectar into his mouth. The action was making Becca breathing hard and produced more of her essence for Nick to enjoy.

"Eat me, Nick. Make me come with your tongue and mouth alone," Becca said as her face was flushed with blood as she was licking her lower lips.

"What will I get in return for doing such service?" he teased her before Becca was smirking wickedly at him as she tugged his hair in her hands. She put her mouth to his left ear before she whispered her promise.

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