VII. Greeting the Queen

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"And then, I have to dodge it so that my father would not come after me. Instead, he went after my brother," Emily said as Becca was laughing at her anecdote. How come one gets away with anything? Becca mused before she remembered that she was the youngest and her sisters have been married.

Of course, her mother would focus on her.

But that ended tonight as she will be staying at this lavish estate when she will be losing her virginity to her new husband, the Duke of Belikov. Becca gulped before she turned to see that her husband was walking with someone that she knew. It was the young Queen Arabella Dragomir of Niapachad Island.

Shit! Becca was trying to control Emily's laughter before she was looking at the young queen as well. Emily shut up before they both stood up and curtsied to the queen. "Your Majesty," they both said as the young queen was beaming at Becca.

"You must be happy that you are oblivious to the scowl and frown of the ladies around you, cousin," the young queen was regarding her as Becca was blinking her eyes.


"You're laughing very loudly and yet ignore the scorn of the polite society," the young queen stated as she was smiling at Becca.

"Oh! I am so sorry then if you have to see that, Your Majesty, we were just—"

"No, it's fine. It was a good thing perhaps to get that polite society off your back. This is your night, enjoy it," the young queen said before her eyes were trained on Emily. Becca hoped that she would not take any interest in Emily.

But of course, 'tis only a dream.

"And who's this?" The young queen asked before Emily was blinking at her. Becca has to think of something before Niklaus was clearing his throat.

"I think it is due time for me and my wife to dance. Duchess, will you dance with me?" Niklaus asked her as Becca was looking at his offered hand. She sighed inwardly as she was smiling at her husband.

"That would be my pleasure, my lord," she stated before she was taking his hand and electrics were all over her veins. This is not normal, Becca mused before they were walking to the dance floor as the others would follow them to dance the waltz as well.


Arabella was looking at the young lady with brown eyes and golden locks. She thought that Becca's friend was a nice figure before Emily was smiling at her. "So, your name is Lady Emily Moore? The late Lord Moore's daughter?" She asked as Emily was nodding her head.

"Yes, Your Majesty," she replied as Arabella was looking at her. She smiled before she continued.

"And I am sorry about your brother," Arabella said as Emily smiled weakly.

"He's in a better place now," Emily stated before she was looking at Arabella. The young queen saw someone that will suit this poor lady before she can say goodbye. Arabella smiled as an idea was forming inside her head.

Time for the next lord to get married, she mused before Emily was excusing herself to get away from the young queen. Arabella knew that she can be intimidating sometimes. Then, she felt the familiar body heat.

"I hope you were not thinking what I thought you would, my love," Aiden stated before Arabella was turning to look at her husband. Aiden was arching his eyebrow at Arabella before she laughed.

"And what would that be, husband?" The young queen asked as she was playing with Aiden's lapel before her husband was sighing.

"Hmm, let's see. You found another suitable woman and would match it up with one of the lords in the Higher Court. I would be guessing the Marquis?" Aiden stated before Arabella was smirking at him.

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