X. Concealing the Feeling

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Niklaus has to admit that his wife has a sassy mouth that was as sharp as a knife. It would be hard to be defeated by her. But Niklaus wondered why she was being bitter toward Skylar when Niklaus only drank her blood to sustain him?

Will Becca be mad if he told her that he sucked on her blood? Would she run away?

"Your mistress is a nice woman. I bet you're regretting your decision to marry me when you can have her," Becca stated as she was turning her head from looking outside the carriage as her vivid green eyes were looking at him. Niklaus smirked.

"Don't tell me that you feel jealous, knowing that I have a history with her, my dear?" Niklaus taunted him before Becca scoffed at him. Niklaus thought that she would throw a tantrum but Becca was not that kind of lady.

She was a stone-cold lady after all.

"Like I care about you, Niklaus. I wish nothing from this union and if you need your fills then, you can go elsewhere to get it because I am not giving it to you," Becca stated before Niklaus was arching his eyebrow at her.

"As you wish, my dear," Niklaus stated as their carriage stopped in front of Belikov Estate before the footman was opening the door. Niklaus took his cane and stepped outside the carriage as he was offering his hand to Becca. She took it while she was out of the carriage. Then, they were off to their chambers.


Becca was looking at herself in the vanity mirror where her lady's maid was brushing her locks. She was looking at her face before she sighed. She cannot believe that she felt something when that wench was kissing her husband.

Her husband, that player.

Becca was looking at her face before the ladies' maid was excusing herself. She nodded before Becca was putting some aloe on her face. She was trying to focus on her nightly routine before her mind wandered to Niklaus' past with that wench.

Was she good in bed? Was he satisfied? Will they reconcile their feelings again? All the thoughts that Becca was trying to avoid were coming into her mind right now before she was shaking her head. "You're better than that. You don't love him so you don't have to care about him," she mumbled to herself as she was getting up from the chair and went to slip under the bed.

She was looking at the empty bed as Becca insisted to sleep in her bed before she was looking at the candle. Sweet dreams, she mused as she was blowing out the candle and went to sleep. Only sleep did not come like she wanted to.


Becca was standing in her lavish gown as she was walking down the aisle of the prayer house. She could not believe that she was smiling when she was seeing the man at the end of the altar. This is my real love, this is the man that I will be marrying, Becca thought before her fiancé turned and Becca was gasping.

There he was, Niklaus Dragomir as he was licking Skylar's neck before his blue eyes were locking with her green orbs. Becca was trying to get to them but it seemed that it was fair for her to reach them.

"Too late, Duchess. He's mine now," Skylar, the opera singer was smirking at her before Becca was falling into the abyss as she was holding out her hands for Niklaus to grab it.


"You told me that I have to get my needs elsewhere. And now that I did," Niklaus said as he turned to look at the opera singer, "I don't need you anymore, Lady Rebecca Davis. Goodbye and have a nice life," Niklaus stated before Becca was falling into the abyss of her own mistake.

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