I. The History of the Country

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Everyone believed that Niapachad Island was an island located on the west side of Crete Island in the Aegean Sea

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Everyone believed that Niapachad Island was an island located on the west side of Crete Island in the Aegean Sea. However, no one survived to tell the truth of that belief. Some said that it was concealed in a powerful veil that was invisible to the naked eyes and any human from modern society cannot come to the island. Others believed that there was an entry point on Crete Island that can transport you to Niapachad Island, wherever it was located. Some claimed that there were other entry points around the world but that was up for discussion in the scientific community of the modern world.

But one thing for sure, Niapachad Island was a secret in the modern world that the scientist wished to uncover but it remained a mystery to this moment.

Niapachad Island was a country that conserved the history that surpassed time and century. The country was ruled by monarchs and the gentry was still in the system of social hierarchy. It was believed that time was frozen on the island where everything was looked and came from the 19th century. So, everyone's clothes, accessories, lifestyle, manners, and etiquette were centuries-old from modern society.

The country has 5 cities and towns that were ruled under powerful lords that were known as Belikov, Kain, Vyckos, Raine, and Fell. The capital of the country was Royal Molftus where the young queen and her prince consort settled down at the Royal Castle. Each city and town has its own history and it was recorded as the Origins founded the country. The capital, Royal Molftus was ruled by the Duke of Belikov, who was the cousin to the current young queen of Niapachad Island.

St. Betown was a sprawling town that was named after Saint Betown, which was known for its arena that people went to see in the east of the island for the Contest of Champion that was held once every year to see who was the strongest amongst the islanders. It was ruled by the Marquis of Kain.

Stonelockteco was located in the South. It was famous for its mining history and heritage. Locals and tourists alike were crowded in the sprawling town to get their hands on the jewelry that was the finest on Niapachad Island as well as around the Kingdom of Ludonea. The young queen of Niapachad Island would also have to compete to get one of those. It was ruled by the Viscount of Vyckos.

Then, there was a coastal city in the west of the island. It was ruled by the Earl of Raine and it was a small town with elaborate legends of all the supernatural creatures. Whether it's true or not, it's debatable. It was said that the town was to be sprawling with vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches, and wizards, as well as demons. But it was never proven to see those supernatural creatures walking down on the street of the city, terrorizing people.

It was assumed that the locals were bored and come up with those legends. Well, that was before everyone knew the island and when they did get the better of the history of the island, they wished that they never did. Last but not least, we have North Msallste that was overseen by the Baron of Fell. It was famous for its extraordinary theatres, art, and cultural exhibitions. It was beyond its time and the tourists and locals alike loved it so much.

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