XXIV. Moorgis

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They planned to travel to Moorgis through North Msallste and hoping to be there in 3 days. But of course, Niklaus wanted to stay in North Msallste for a night before continuing to Moorgis. Becca argued that they could be there earlier for their wedding trip if they did not stop at the town. But as usual, Nick never listened as he did not want to make Becca uncomfortable for being in the carriage longer than 24 hours.

In the end, her husband won as they stopped at the North Msallste for a night before continued to Moorgis. She was looking at the town that was debuted as the cultured town of North Msallste with their biggest accomplishment was their opera and performances that were being held there every night.

Becca just hoped that they did not meet Skylar Kramton while they were there for she would call for her head should Niklaus be meeting her again and her hands were not on her own personnel. Still, Becca was bitter enough with the opera singer that she wanted to drain her dry for being Niklaus' mistress in the past.

Even for a blood-feeding.

"Is something bothering you, my love?" Nick's voice brought Becca to the present as they were sitting in the carriage, en route to their next destination after spending the night in North Msallste. She turned to look at her husband before smiling at him.

"No, I am just merely excited at the prospect of our formal wedding trip, my love. That's all," she lied before Nick was arching his eyebrow at her.

"You know I can sense it when you're lying to me, right?"

Damn his perceptiveness.

Becca sighed before she turned to look outside of their carriage window as the greenery of the countryside was greeting them. In the capital, they did not have much of the greenery with their buildings and architecture that Becca appreciated the sight of the country that soothed her soul.

Her damned soul now for she was converted as a Vampyre but who was to know about that other than her husband and his cousin.

"I'm just...I want everything to be perfect, my love. It's our first wedding trip since our wedding and I cannot wait to have you," Becca said as she slipped her hand against Nick's hard chest, "naked and throbbing for me when we're sweating after hours of lovemaking," she whispered as she was closing their distance. Nick chuckled softly before he put his mouth to her ear.

"Believe me when I said that I cannot wait to have you naked underneath me, my love,"

Becca smirked before the horses were neighing as the carriage stopped. She peered through the window to see that they have stopped in front of a place that appeared to be a quaint cottage of some kind.

"Where are we?" she asked before Niklaus was smiling at her. The footman stepped down from his place and opened the door before Nick was stepping out of the carriage. Becca hesitated at first before she took Nick's outstretched hand before she stepped away from the carriage. She gasped when she was looking at the quaint cottage was actually a townhouse that was built in the countryside.

"Whose property is this?" she asked Nick before her husband was smiling at her.

"Ours," he simply said before Niklaus was pulling her toward the cottage. The door suddenly opened before the butler was bowing at the new owners of the property, the Duke of Belikov and his Duchess.

"Welcome, milord, milady. I hope the travel is convenient?" the butler said as Nick was nodding his head.

"It is. Is everything in its place for I would love for the duchess to rest her head after such travel?" he asked before the butler bowed.

"It is, milord. If you could follow me to your new quarters," he said before Nick was leading Becca to follow the old butler as they walked through the parlor. It was nice and clean that Becca knew her husband must purchase this property after she told him about her desire to be in Moorgis and being the gentleman that he was, Nick has bought this cottage for their accommodation rather than having to stay at an inn or tavern.

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