Ch. 1: a beginning.

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*sabres pov*


Dear diary,

You know... I'm 24 by now... I live alone! Happily!

Today was another "Great" day... My mother and father came over for a "visit"

And with visit... I mean they barged into my home and started criticizing me. Now they said they're gonna stay...

Ugh... Father has a gambling addiction and lost their house and all their belongings in a bet.

To be honest... I'm surprised my father never gambled me away.

Well... There goes all my privacy.

I can't believe I still surround myself with these people.

They've done nothing but beat me and scream at me for no reason my entire life...

I don't even know why I still refer to them as my parents... They've been nothing but douchbags my entire life.

I hate them.

And now I'm stuck with these strangers again...

Great... I can hear them screaming at each other in the next room again...

I think I'll take a quick walk...

Meh... Maybe even a long walk...

I need an escape from these monsters.


I close the book and hide it in my desks drawer.

I look on the desk and find my blindfold.

I put it on, then walk over to the closet and put on my favorite outfits.

Green hoodie, jeans and leather knee high boots.

I grab a bag I can hang over my shoulder and easily access and lastly grab my leather backpack.


I'll just go to the store, buy some food and stuff there and then go to the woods or something.

I check if everything I need is in my backpack.

Hm... I should take some rope with me, in case I wanna climb something... like a tree.

Okay... Money... Sword in case there's mobs... Torches... Rope... Pickaxe... Axe... I think... I got everything...

Oh I need a clock and a compass!

I pack some more things that I'll need and then head out my room.

I walk to the front door ignoring my parents.

I call out to them: "hey! I'm going for a walk. There's food in the fridge and money on the desk. Don't Loose it."

And with that I walk out the door.

I make my way to the bus stop and wait for a bus.

Eventually it arrives and I sit by the window watching the buildings pass by...

More and more the landscape gets filled with trees and plans instead of concrete buildings.

I've been driving for a good 10 minutes....

This bus is going fast geez... I guess he was a little late before... Meh.

Hm... I'm alone in the bus.

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