Ch. 5: Beach episode! :D

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Before this begins...

Thank you
RachiePotato184, Cobblestone-Table, BlueTheHybridDragon, oddynn, TimelineStix13, AN0NYM0US_3V3NING
For all the wonderful name suggestions :D

Anyways, enjoy!!!!

*sabres pov*


I'm sitting outside my house on the dock the darkness built for me...

It's really nice...

There's loads of lillypads on the water and I also noticed that there's sea pickles in the pond... Somehow????

Well... The pond always glows wonderfully at night... Wavily Reflecting the stars and the moon on a mesmerizing dark blue canvas...

Well... It's also pretty at day... But it's true beauty only shows at night.

Sadly I have to wait 9 more hours to see that beauty.

Hm... I should get some fish into this pond... It seems a little lifeless... And when sea pickles and coral can live inside there... Then surely enough fish can as well.

Ugh... Why does it have to be 10 am???

I sit on the dock and let my legs dangle above the water.

Suddenly I feel something pulling on my arm.

I turn around and find a little furball trying to get my attention.

"hey agate, you wanna play!" I ask my little wolf friend in an excited tone.

The dog barks and runs off the dock back to the house.

"hehe... I can't belive it's already been a week." I say to myself.

Yeah... It's been a week since I found agate...

He's really opened up to me.

I really hope he likes that name, well... He didn't look at me with disappointment when I suggested it so... I thing the little furby likes it.

Man... Okay... I would also be mad if my parents named me 'dawg'

But come on! He's a dog!!! It would have been so funny introducing my dog as dawg. :]]]]]

Oh well... Agate is also a pretty name... I got the idea when I took a good look at the dogs eyes... They're like... An orange brown colour... Almost looks a little dark red sometimes... It reminded me of a gemstone I saw once... Agate.

I sigh and shake my head with a smile.

I walk back to the house and look around the garden for the little pupper.

I find him playing with the thick rope toy I made him.

It's basically just a short thick rope that's tied in knots on both ends.

He loves throwing it around and challenging me in a tugging battle.

I mostly let him win cause... Why not.

Oh looks like orange is already playing with agate.

Well I won't complain.

I wave to the darkness and walk inside the house...

I found that the darkness isn't as emotionless as I originally thought...

I mean... The shadows are pretty much just puppets... They don't... Talk or... Question things.

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