Ch. 16: Trust to Betrayal

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*sabre's pov*


Time to get this over with.


"m'lord, how do you plan on stuffing it into the bottle?" wicked asks switching glances between the condensed darkness named blue and a small glass bottle.

"well, my dear wicked friend, I, with the help of orange, have constructed a machine that will condense the already condensed darkness even more and push it into this small glass ink cartridge!" I announce proudly as I hold up the small glass bottle.

I redirect my attention over to a structure hidden under a big blanket.

"Orange! Unveil our creation >:D" I command the darkness with an orange bandana.

It pulls off the blanket ✨dramatically✨

"let me give you a small tour! So... Let's start on the left side. Here we have a reinforced glass chamber, where blue will be completly sealed in manually with these two glass blocks!" I explain as Orange lays on top of the two glass blocks in a french girl pose.

"this chamber will create a vacuum. Which should un-condense blue. Then it will be much easier to route it through this small iron pipe! The iron pipe leads through a piston pump which will then press blue into this small bottle..."

I point to each of the components as I go on to explaining.

" then lastly this little cork will make sure blue stays pressurized in the bottle. When the bottle is opened, it should be able to return to its normal figure."

Wicked just looks at me with a thinking expression.

"hmm... Alright... Seems... Safe enough..." wicked trails off as he grabs out his log book.

Or as I now call it......the wicki™ :)

"m'lord, do you have blueprints for this machine? Or perhaps a sketch of some kind? I would like to document this in my logs." wicked asks as he writes something into his little book.

"sure, but first... Let's get this machine running! >:]" I call out to orange with little to no patience.

"alright, blue. Get in." I command the darkness.

Without question it walks into the mashine.

"Oh! One more thing. We can't compress the bandana. I'll hold on to it for you." I explain to the darkness as I take off its bandana.

"there. That should do it. Orange, close the chamber up and then we can start the machine."

"now... How is our power source doing?" I ask as I walk to the back of the machine, the condensed darkness with a green bandana gives me a confident thumbs up. It's in charge of making sure our battery doesn't run off.

The yellow steve strapped to a chair is just screaming at me, it's muffled by a piece of cloth tho since his screaming and arguing got annoying.


The yellow steve is squirming in his bounds... But he's tied up fairly well, he shouldn't be able to get out by merely tugging on them a little.

"alright. Battery is ready to go, blue is in place, the Redstone also looks to be in place..." I walk over to orange who's already standing by the lever to activate the machine.

"PULL THE LEVER, ORANGE!!! >:D" I call out, I cannot WAIT to see if it works.

I spent an entire afternoon designing this machine.

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