Ch. 7: New acquaintances

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*orange steve's pov*

It's been a while since I've last seen red steve...

I'm worried about him...

He seemed so scared when the darkness broke out of the tomb...

I mean-

That is scary...darkness isn't something to joke about.


I should focus.

I've been going around with my two friends funny orange and happy orange steve.

We've been collecting the crystals.

So far we have red and orange.


Well...only red and orange.

We've been trying to talk to the nightmare King about giving us the crystal so we could create the hero.

But... He's not too fond of that idea...

That mad man is balancing the darkness that has infected him with the yellow crystal...

He's not gonna be able to keep that up for long... Poor guy.

Must hurt, being infected probably sucks.

We can't let this kingdom fall to the darkness...

The second strongest yellow kingdom has already fallen.

And we warned the nightmare King that this kingdom won't withstand a siege.

But he didn't listen.

Just like the king in the second strongest kingdom.


Right now me and my friends are breaking into the yellow kingdom with the help of a yellow steve with a leather chest plate.

He agrees that the nightmare King should hand over the crystal.

We need to create the hero.

We were just about to sneak into the castle when an army of yellow steves headed out the castle.

"woah... That's a lot of yellow steve's" funny whispers as he watches them all head over to the wall.

"what... Is going on...?" yellow steve asks in disbelieve as the number of steve's walking out the castle increases.

"hey uh... Yellow. Isnt that the assistant over there?" happy asks the bewildered yellow fella.

"yeah... Hm.. I'll go ask him what's up. You guys put on this armor in the meantime." yellow concludes as he gives us a bunch of gold armor.


There's no way they're falling for that.

It's... It's just gold armor. We're still orange.


We all put on the armor and then follow yellow steve.

We reach the assistant and yellow steve starts.

"hello kings assistant... What's going on? Why's there a huge army of steve's being sent out?"

"oh hello yellow... Yeah... The King found some wierd creature that... Is kinda like a steve- but not a steve. He says it's important in the fight against darkness so he wants search troops everywhere finding him and bringing that thing back" the yellow assistant explains.

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