Ch. 9: Plan-making

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*sabre's pov*

It's been a day since the whole showdown between nightmare and wicked steve.

So... Um... Wicked steve got pretty tired out, these two destroyed a good portion of the forest, The rest burnt.

They singlehandedly commited de-forestation :l

The orange steve village is probably gonna have to move...

I feel kinda bad for wicked...

He said he didn't get hurt... But... He was really exhausted when he came home... He literally collapsed on the couch. :(

Mmmmm I feel like I should help him in some way.

I mean... He's back on his feet but he still seems distracted a little.

I quietly sit on the couch and pet agate.

Wicked is writing in his book again.

Mmmmm okay... I'll have to do something eventually.

"... Hey wicked?" I start.

"hm...? Do you need something m'lord?" wicked asks me as he looks over to me.

"uhm... Well... Uh... About this whole... Um... Infecting people thing..." I'm not sure how to word it.


"uhm... Do all of you need to infect someone. All of the condensed darkness?" I ask as I watch agate fall asleep on my lap.

"oh, yes, after all, we need all 7 colors of steve's to release lord void." wicked answers going back to his book.

"and lord void is...?" I ask as wicked seems to hesitate with his answer.

"lord void is... The one who created us... He created the darkness and he's still trapped within the tomb." the red and black figure answers.

"hm... Okay... Well- do you guys need to infect specific people or can you just take any steve of colour?" I ask as I slowly and carefully put agate on the couch, off of my lap.

"well, we could... But it would be best if we were to infect strong steve's, after all it would be better to have strong steve's on our side, rather than having the strong steve's as our enemies. " the infected steve explains.

"ah... Okay... So... What if we start doing some of that then :)" I say with a smile.

"hm? What do you mean m'lord?" wicked asks.

"i mean, I could help you infect the steve's leaders!" I suggest.

"my apologies if this may seem rude but... M'lord, that's too dangerous." wicked says as he closes the book completely with a book clap sound.

"nonono. Hear me out. I've already made friends with the violet leader and the orange leader... So maybe they could lead me to the other steve villages!" I explain as I scoot closer to wicked steve.

He just sits there and listens carefully.

"if I could get them to trust me and they let their guards down around me, maybe you guys could infect them while they don't even notice-like... Uh... Laying low until all the leaders are infected! And then take over! :D" I finish explaining my plan happily.

Wicked just sits there in silence.

I stare at him as he stares at me.

He takes his book back out and Scrolls through a few pages.

I frown a little as I feel ignored.

"hmm... M'lord-... I- uhm... Not that I would EVER even dare think about doubting you... But that is a genius plan." wicked says with a smile while quickly writing something down.

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