Ch. 20: Who Do You Serve?

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*sabre's pov*

The world around becomes warmer.

A soft, warm breeze washing through my hair.

In the distance, quiet chirps.

Finally... Out of that frozen hellscape.

Heaven scape? :/


I look around, green grass covering the surrounding area.

And... Stone bricks?

I look around the area, surrounded by a long wall, that circles around the premise, with lots of decorative arches and in front some... giant... Rings?

They all seem to follow a colour pattern.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

We stand in the middle of a small pavilion, made from stone bricks and acacia wood, a blinding light beam emerging from the middle.

The huge stone arches around are covered in vegetation.

Large vines pulling themselves over the stone structures like titan snakes.

I can't help but be in awe of this place.

"woah-... Where are we? :0" I ask as I walk down the few steps of the pavilion and run along the stone and gravel pathway, it rounds around the pavilion and branches off into more pathways leading to the rings and the archways.

By the red ring stands a small acacia wood house and a small farm.

Small pinkish creatures run around an enclosure.

Pigs! :D

All except one, which is on the outside, next to the house, resting.

"oh! Right ! Sabre, welcome to the rainbow hub!! ^v^" orange happily circles around me.

"thats my house over there! And those are all the portals we use to get to places more easily-" orange explains, energy clear in his voice.

Wh- rainbow hub??? house ???!

Man... I gotta take the building skills of the darkness up a notch-

Next thingy we build has got to be at least just as good as this! >:]

I internally laugh but happy quickly cuts in.

"they also activate when a steve is in danger, we'll be able to get there as quick as possible and save them!" the serotonin filled steve explains further.

Woah... This place is pretty huge!

When did they find the time to build this place????

Wait did he say portals?????

I look back to all the rings...

Those must be the portals.

Quick access... Huh?

Well... That's not ideal...

But maybe we can use this to our adventage...

Maybe trap them...

I look at the portals scattered around...

There's two free spaces

Did...did they plan to make more portals?

Distracted in my thoughts, I didn't realize orange was trying to talk to me.

I only realize as a pig makes a loud screaming noise.

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