Ch. 10: Visiting a 'friend'

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*sabre's pov*

The bright light dissaprears and we stand in a forest.

"okay... Uh... Is that the outpost over there?" I ask while pointing to a distant structure.

"yep, that's the one. Let's go." yellow says and runs ahead.

"UHM... Orange? I'll stay behind until you tell the guards I'm coming. I don't want them to panic when they see me..." I say while looking around to check if wicked is anywhere.

"sure thing. Just don't stay back too far." orange mentions and then walks over to the structure, his two friends follow him.

Alright. Now's my chance!

I walk behind some trees and call out to wicked.


"ah there you are :]" I say as wicked jumps down to the ground from the trees.

"wicked. New plan. I'm gonna go visit the nightmare King." I say in a casual tone.

"what." is all wicked says as I can already tell how panicked he just got.

This is gonna be a long day...

I continue to quickly explain what he has to do.

"okay. That should be everything you need to know-" I say but he cuts me off.

"are you sure sir...? That's dangerous." wicked interrupts me.

"it's good. With how the nightmare King has been acting, I'm pretty sure he's not going to hurt me." I reasure the red corrupted steve.

"now. Go back in the trees, tree man. I gotta go see the true yellow king." I say and run over into the direction of the structure.

Wicked dissapears into the trees again.

I slow down as the structure comes into view.

Happy orange steve is waving to me and signaling that I can come over.

I do just that.

I make my way over and look as innocent as I possibly could.

"hello! :))))" I say to the guards at the front gate of the outpost.

They look me up and down.

They seem unsure but let me through either way, probably cause I'm a friend of orange-

-or at least they think I am... :)

This is fun...

These people are all so Easy to munipulate...!

Alright, time to meet the king.

Orange, happy, funny and I walk into the outpost.

There's multiple yellow tents, some farming grounds and everything is surrounded by a stonebrick wall.

Huh... This is where the real king is hiding??

Wow this is... Smaller than expected.

There's a bunch of yellow steve's around.

They do spare a glance in my direction, but don't let that glance last long. They ignore me.

That's good I guess.

Very different from the violet steve's...

A lot more different.

We walk to a cave that is also connected to the wall.

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