Ch. 22: Let's split up Gang!!

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*sabre's pov*

Okay... The mission might take a little longer than expected.

It's been a week...

I hung out with the orange steves went home... Stayed home...

Got a letter from the orange leader that says the leaders are having a meeting and want me to join them-


Yeah, too bad I'm currently stuck.

Back home, laying on the couch, a dog sleeping on my chest.

I hold the letter in both hands above my head.

"mmm Wicky..." I whine to the red steve sitting in the new armchair we got.

Like always, he's sitting there, writing something into his log book.

He looks up from the book

"yes m'lord?"

"the leaders are holding another meeting... Tomorrow..." I whine

"mhm? What's so bad about that, m'lord?" the half withered rose asks me with a head tilt.

"it's at 6 in the morning! These people are insane! Who gets up at 6 am for a meeting!!!" I let my hands fall to the side, sprawling myself more over the couch.

"good, I shall wake you then m'lord." wicked returns his attention to the book.

I groan way over dramatically

"heyy! Don't take their side!! You're supposed to stay with me!!! >:l" I twist my head up so I can look at the traitor.

"I feel it would be beneficial to the plan if you'd go m'lord" wicked laughs slightly.

"don't laugh at my pain...>:(" I whine and throw an arm over my blindfolded eyes.

"I am not laughing at you m'lord, just your words" wicked excuses himself.

"same thing meanie" I sigh, falling quiet as I read the letter again.

"... meeting to discuss further actions planned against fighting the darkness and creating the hero...." I read out loud the key sentence of the letter.

"hm... I guess we could plan around them if we know what their plan is..." I look over the neat writing of the true yellow king.

"that's why it's beneficial." wicked chimes in as he flips back a few pages in his book.

I drop my arms again, dropping the letter on the ground.

I once again cover my eyes.

I hear some shuffling beside the couch.

"our lord dropped this."

"dark... How many times have I told you... Just call me sabre..." I turn my head to look over to them.

They're sitting criss cross in front of the couch, holding the letter.

Dark's apparence changed a bit in a week, wicked didn't lie when he said some of the absorbed steve's. Apparences might bleed through...

Their hair changed a bit...

And they've got some random friendship bracelets on... Apparently from two yellow steve's they absorbed.

And a big scar on their arm, which was also from a yellow steve, appearantly they were a yellow steve guard?

Yeah dark's been having fun absorbing yellow steve's...

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