Ch. 14: Stuck

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*sabres pov*

It's been 2 days since the steves rescued me from the darkness.

They tended to my injuries and kept me safe and hidden in the orange village.

Orange, funny and happy have been keeping me company while I was healing.

Shy orange steve would also often come to check on me.

He's very nice, he brought me food and stuff to entertain myself with-

A new shirt-

Since... My hoodie is currently dyed red with my blood ':l

The leader gave me one of his shirts.


This man's Huge!!! °-°


speaking of injuries making my life harder.

Since my injuries are pretty bad, I'm on house arrest until I'm healthy again.


I wanna go outside.

The only thing I've been able to do for the past two days was talk to steve's, eat, sleep, and write.

I need to sneak out at some point.

I have to meet wicked and move on with the next phase of the plan.

There's been a complication...

You see... Uh... Our next step would have been:

>infect the orange leader


Ever since we came back to the village, he's been super paranoid and careful. He always makes sure he's not alone and somewhere there's lots of people that can hear him during an emergency.

Wicked kept an eye on him and couldn't find a single opening either.

What I mainly know about this whole...opening the tomb and freeing the lord of darkness...

Is... We don't necessarily need strong steve's for it. Just a specific colour. So I made a new plan. We infect someone close to the leader. Someone he couldn't bare to fight.

Someone who's important to him

That proves to be quite difficult.

The first choice would have been shy orange. But he's always around the leader... So he's just as safe as the leader.... Pretty much impossible to infect without notice.

Another person that could also work would be someone of the orange trio.

They seem important enough?

But they'd realize if someone's infected... Especially since orange steve has a crystal.

Oh great. I forgot about the crystals!

All the leaders have crystals, they could theoretically un-infect a steve of their colour.

Hm...maybe the leader is still the best option...

I need to think about this some more...

Knock knock knock

I flinch at the sudden noise.

"oh? Come in!" I call out to the sudden knock on the door that interrupted my thoughts.

The door opens and an orange steve with a flower crown walks in.

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