Ch. 2: they're real?!

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*sabres pov*


Dark oak?


I look around to find myself in a room with a portal behind me...

"redstone... Portal...?" just as I utter those words the the portal swirrels break in a loud, glass like, shattering.

"Damnit..." I whisper.

I stand up slowly and realize my right leg hurts a lot.

Did I land wrong?


I can barely stand on it...

It's clearly still there... I don't think I broke anything...

Must have landed wrong.

Oh well

I slowly make my way over to an exit that I just saw.

I lean on The wall for support and limp my way over there.

"... Please...! Please be an exit...!" I mumble to myself

Well... It is an exit.

Just as I reach that door it opens and some red figure looks into the room, shocked.

They see me.

We make eye contact for a minute and then they slam the door shut.

All I hear from them is a loud squeeck sound and the sound of running on wooden planks.


Just great.

Okay... Whatever they are.

They don't seem to be happy with me.


I don't care how much this is gonna hurt, but I need to run. NOW.

I quickly take one very deep breath and then book it through the door.

I'm met with another room.

Altough it has another exit.

I run through it and am met with a door leading outside.

"HEY-!" I hear someone screaming behind me.

I book it out the door, while I'm doing so I look back to see that red figure again.



I keep on running. There's a birch forest there.


Whoa... This feels wierd... Why do I feel like I should run that way

Feels like somethings pulling my in a certain direction...

Oh well!

No time.

I ignore the screaming pain I'm feeling in my leg and keep running.

I run for a good 5 minutes until eventually my leg gives out and I trip and fall.

"ugh ow... My other leeeeg...!" I curse to myself.

"okay... Okay... Maybe I'll sit down for a while and... Rest." I mumble to myself and crawl over to a big tree.

Luckily for me... The tree is uprooted and there's a hole underneath the tree.

I crawl between the roots of the tree and curl up in the little cavern.

I make sure I'm hidden in the shadows.

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