Ch. 17: The Middle World

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*sabre's pov*

I watch the orange figure become smaller and smaller...

Until that small orange dot dissapears in the seemingly endless portal entrance.

"huh... Welp. Off we go!" funny cheers as he gets a running start and jumps into the portal as well.

I snicker at his all too cheery nature.

"well then. Do I have to push you too?" I ask happy orange who's gaze is locked onto where funny is falling.

"wh- pff no, don't worry I'll jump on my own. In 3...2....1" as he reaches the 1 he jumps into the portal, holding onto his flower crown so it doesn't fly off.

I watch as he gets smaller in the distance.

"well... My Turn..." I mumble to myself.

I want to jump but suddenly feel a... Pull.

Something was pulling me away from the portal.

It doesn't feel like someone's pulling on my hoodie or something... But more like... Someone's pulling on... My insides.

It's strange and hard to explain...

Like something pulling my soul into a different direction.

Yeah... Let's say it like that.

I stop.

Looking around, there's no one...

Wait... Oh!

How could I forget.

"hey, it's okay. I'll be fine." I say to the air.

It must be the darkness pulling me back.

I can feel a certain... Feeling of worry in the back of my mind.


Is that actually the darkness???

I've never felt that before-


Normal darkness doesn't feel...

It must be one of the condensed darkness'... Or... Wicked steve...

"hey..." I mumble gently

"it's okay... I got this... I'll be fine... I've survived on my own before... I'll do it again :)" I reassure that feeling and smile.

My smile dissapears as I realize...

Can they even see it???


I feel stupid.

Just standing here.

Talking to no one.

Smiling like an idiot.

And not even getting a response...

Just the distant sound of a clock ticking

I face-palm.

"okay, I'm off. I'll be back soon, don't wait for me... Continue with the plan." I say quietly as I take in a deep breath and get ready to jump into the portal.

I feel the pull from before loosen.

That tingle in the back of my mind goes quiet.

It now feels... empty...

For the first time in... Such a long time... I feel... Alone.

Sighing, I run and jump into the void below.

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