Ch. 18: Finally-an explanation

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*sabre's pov*

"wh- FINALLY!" I turn around and scream at the steve, who stays surprisingly calm.

Looking at the indigo figure...

This has to be this... Indigo steve we're looking for...


I look the guy up and down.

About the same size as me.

His indigo colour is more on the pastel side.

It might also just be the lighting.


Doesn't look too bad-

Well. Time to ask the big question.

"indigo steve...? Is that actually you? :o"

"yep! In the flesh!" the steve answers as he does a little twirl.


"MAAAaaaaAan! I am glad. Thank f-fffffff- Uhhhh... FINALLY we found you! ':D" I laugh nervously as I cut myself off before I say something I shouldn't.

"We made it through your tests!!" I tell him excitedly to change topic.

The indigo steve simply seems to ignore my sussy behavior and moves on.


"yes! Congrats on passing! I'm glad you didn't fall for anything!" the steve congratulates us with a smile.

"uhh yeah! I mean... We almost didn't-" I pause

"actually-me-... uh the orange steve's and I almost fell for some... Mean... Tricks..." i think back to the red steve trap.

That was just plain mean...

Man- if he had control over those trials and what shows up...

Then he's messed up.

Tricking someone by using their dead friend.

Not even I would do that!!


"BUT. we made it!" I finish with a victorious smile.

"aaaand we have some questions for you- some time pressing questions we need to get over with as soon as possible." I hang onto my last sentence so indigo doesn't get room to say anything.

"I'm uh.. Here with the orange steves- they kinda just brought me here-to you- with no context at all-uhhhhh so.... Hi. I'm sabre. :)" I introduce myself to the steve.

Something feels... Off about this guy.

Everything looks right... Like... Something in the back of my mind is screaming at me.

I don't know what it is... But I'm sweating.

I feel like this is another trial.

But we found indigo already.

So it couldn't be one of the tests... Could it...?

I shrug it off and continue

"Eh- I guess it's kinda an... Orange steve thing for them to do so-yeah" I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck and take a step back.

"Yeah- either way. I'm sabre. The orange steve's are here with me-or rather... I'm here with the orange steve's. They brought me and they probably know you-" I stop for a moment to breath-

Man I feel like I was talking for a full  5 minutes.

Did I breathe anywhere between these sentences???!

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