Ch. 4: smol friend :]

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*sabres pov*

I slowly wake up, feeling well rested.

"mmmgn... Ah~...i haven't slept that well in a while...!" I mumble happily and sit up in the soft bed.

"*yawn*mmmmmm..." I yawn and stretch my arms.

I look around and immediately find multiple dark figures seated around my bed, watching me.

I quickly count them and find all the darkness around me.

" uh... Ahem... What... Are you all doing...?" I ask hesitantly.

Blue stretches out it's hand, I take it.

"Wê wêrê måkïñg §µrê ¥ðµ ¢ðµlÐ r꧆ þêå¢ê£µll¥, wï†h𵆠åñ¥ Ð阮µrßåñ¢ê."

" long-...have y'all been sitting here??" I ask feeling a bit paranoid.

"§ïñ¢ê †hê hðµ§ê ï§ Ððñê." blue answers me.

"ah. Ok.. Uh... Wait... This room is different then the one I fell asleep in...?"

"GððÐ ðߧêrvå†ïðñ §åßrê, †hï§ ï§ ¥ðµr rððm."

I scoot off the big double bed.

Oooo the bed has black silky covers...

I slide my hand over the smooth material.

It has a soft and almost waxy feeling to it, yet it has a soft and warm filling...

"*sigh* oooo goodness... That is such wonderful material."

I snap out of my trance for the covers and look around at the dark figures.

"uh... Could y'all wait for me downstairs?"

They nod their heads and get up to leave.

I watch as they open a door at the end of the room and leave.

Huh... Woah...

This room is big.



This is the attic of the house... Isn't it.

It's really nice tho.

I stand in front of the bed and walk around the room.

It's around 14x22 blocks... So a big rectangle...

The bed is neatly placed under a window in the middle of the wall.

There's loads of different flowers on the windowsill.

On the right side wall facing from the bed is something resembling a balcony.

On the opposite site there's two windows in the wall.

The wall with the windows is lined with bookshelves.

Under one window is a table with books, paper, feathers, ink... Desk stuff... And a nice little tree in a pot as well :)

The other window is decorated with an armchair and a small table to go with the chair.

The wooden floor is being held warm by a dark green and black carpet.

On the opposite side of the room, where the balcony is, there's loads of barrels placed to imitate a wall.

This is probably for storage. There's also a crafting table and some normal chests as well.

Next to the bed there's some nice drawers...

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