Ch. 19: The World Beyond

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*sabre's pov*

My eyes are closed-

The world around me feels... Light...


I carefully open my eyes under my blindfold and look around.

A foggy cloud escapes my mouth

"oh- it's a bit chilly here-" I mumble to myself as I look around.

A frozen landscape.

Small snowflakes float in the air, steadily, unmoving.

The ground is covered in thick snow and the trees are-...

Wait those aren't trees... Those are... Ice spikes-

Gianormus ice spikes!!!

They're like-50 blocks tall!!!

:0000 big-

I look around more and find a severe lack of orange steves-

"um... They... They got teleported with me.... Right...?" I ask no one.

The only sound to answer my question is a breeze swiping across the snow lands.

I shiver from the cold sensation...

I hug my own arms to try and keep myself warm.

I should probably go look for... Some... Warmer place...

I start shivering, and my fingertips are already starting to turn numb

But... Where to...?


I look over at the ice spike forest and then at the snow field on the other side.

"the snow field is way too... open. looks like it'd be very windy... So... Ice spikes it is!"

And off I go into some random ice spike biome.

This is probably not a good idea-


Anything is better than freezing to death out here.

Dobee Dobee doooo I walk.

I walk more.

I'm... Still walkin...


An ice spike.

And another....

And more snow....

Really.... Lovely surroundings....

It's cold-

It's wet-

It's... Bright-..... Ew...

It sucks.

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