Ch. 11: Experiment

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*sabre's pov*

It's almost 6 pm now... I've spent most of the day talking to the nightmare King.

He explained what he's been planning...

Something that freaked me out about that is... He wants to create a steve made of darkness...

Said steve is supposed to be able to control and command darkness...

I'm not sure how I feel about that...

Would that steve hurt me...?

Nightmare Steve thinks I have an immunity to darkness... But I don't think so... I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm not getting corrupted is because I'm the 'catalyst'

Or as wicked calls me... 'lord'

I don't know if that new steve will follow the same rules as the darkness...

He might be able to... Wait... Could they tell that I have control over the darkness... Would they attack me if nightmare sends them after 'the leader of darkness'????

Ugh... I need to stop worrying... everything should be just fine....

Now... I can tell that wicked is around...

He's hiding in the shadows.

I'm surprised the nightmare King couldn't tell...

Then again... There's a lot of darkness in this part of the castle...darkness tends to wander in darker corners...

So he might've just mistaken wicked for darkness or somethin...

So... Right now I'm sitting in the room nightmare Steve set up-.... Uh... I don't think he set it up, I'm pretty sure a servant of his set this up....

But still, I'm just sitting on the bed... Thinking.

"... Hey wicked. You can come out. It's safe." I say and look at the corner of the room I could swear I saw movements.

And I was correct.

Wicked almost like... melts out of the darkness.

"hello m'lord, is there something you desire?" he asks as he does a neat little bow.

"I need you to deliver a note later. I'll write it in just a minute... For now... I think you eavesdropped on nightmares and I's conversation, right?" I ask the corrupted steve

"you're correct m'lord" wicked answers shortly.

"then I assume you heard tomorrow's plans?" I ask further.

"correct... He wants to do some experiments and tests on you m'lord."

"yep, tomorrow, right when we do some tests... I'll give you a small signal and you break through the wall. Don't start too much of a fight. Just, grab me, make it look like your kidnapping me." I order the steve as he listens closely.

"feel free to be as rough as you want." I say as I grab a book and quill.

"m'lord, you cannot expect me to hurt you in any way... The day I hurt you is the day I i turn to dust." wicked argues.

"hehe I know, but it's just pretend remember? You don't have to actually hurt me." I say to him as I write down something in the book.

"... As you wish m'lord." wicked gives in and does another bow.

"y'know, you don't have to bow after every sentence you say, right?" I say to him with a small laugh.

"hm yes I do... But it is a matter of respect, I bow to show you my respect and devotion" wicked answers as he stands next to me.

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