Ch. 23: Running out of Time

622 43 195

(title card coming soon)

*Sabre pov*





This fall is longer than I remember.

And uncomfortable ':/

Falling isn't fun--

"oof-" I hit the ground suddenly, landing on my back, looking up at the bright sky.


"there we are... Took long enough" I sigh as I sit up, looking at the familiar surroundings.

An endless bright void, the ground beneath me just a large ocean, the sunrays gleaming past the ominously floating workbenches, furnaces and half beds with occasional woodplanks floating between.

Yep, that's the right place...

"I wonder if I'm gonna have to do those trials again-" I ask myself, starting to walk into a certain direction, not really any plans on where I'm going.

"helloooo~? Anyone?? Indigo???" I call out, looking around the place, trying to spot any splash of indigo's slightly pastel colour's.

"bruhh come on man!! I need your help!" I call out again, still nothing.

No sign of any steves, not even any trials.

"ugh of course... Now I'm alone here..." I sigh, coming to a halt, looking around without much sense of direction.

I sit down on the ground.

Sighing again.

"is this a trial???? THE TRIAL OF LONELINESS?!" I call out to the sky angrily.

"it probably is..." I figured

This is great.

"Just me, the sky, the hard water ground sea thing and that ominously floating crafting table next to me." I grumble as I sit down on the ground.

"is this really... A trial... Or does he just not... Realize I'm here??????? The world beyond sent me to the dead spires because it didn't know what to do with me... Maybe it's the same with the middle world??" i say my thoughts out loud, not like someone's gonna hear is anyways-

" this is so st-"



I jump up and look around frantically for whatever that just was.

A deep-

Scary voice--


No ones around-...?

I turn around in circles more.


"sabre. Over here."

There it was again. A calm... Deep... Slightly distorted voice... It sounds a bit layered... Like there's two voices layered on top of eachother.

"yes-??? Hello- where-???? Are you?????" i answer back trying to figure out where the voice came from. I turn to look behind me... There's. A dark... Black hole??? There ???

"hello ?? Mysterious black hole??? Is that you... Talking to me???" i slightly chuckle looking at the ominous darkness just... There

Wait is this a trial???

It might be...

It could be tricking us-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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