Ch. 13: Deception

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(perhaps a little blood warning for the picture above ':])


Also a tiny warning for blood mention

*3rd pov*

"sir we found a path!"

"good, we'll follow that path." a certain yellow steve answers as he turns to his fellow leaders.

"Are you sure this is save? Just... Rushing in?" a violet steve asks.

"well... I have to admit... It's reckless, but we don't have any other clues as to where we could find them." the de-throned yellow steve sighs.

"well then, why are we still here? Let's move." a very hyper orange steve calls out.

"all in due time funny orange steve." the orange steves leader calms him.

"we'll head out in a few moments, we still need to regroup before we can go. Also... I'm not an idiot. We should at least have a bit of a plan before we go storm the darkness" the former yellow king sighs as he rings a bell and waits for his people to arrive.

He sent out most of the yellow steve's to go scout the area for any clues as to where the darkness' base could be.

As soon as they all regroup and a plan has been made, they all head down the trail of darkness.

Little did they know... This was exactly what the leader of the darkness wanted them to do.

As the small army of steve's headed down the path, two figures hidden in the shadows of trees, watched them march into the woods.

"hehe~ it's working!" one whispers with glee.

"I'm glad you're so invested in this." the other figure says with a smile and offers their hand to their excited partner.

The other takes the hand as they teleport silently.

The horde of yellow, orange and some violet steves stop in front of a steep stone hill.

The trail that had just been a few spots of darkness here and there, now turned into a five block wide dark stonebrick path, decorated with lanterns that guide the steve's up the mountain.

Every step took them closer to a soon to be battlefield.

With every step, that feeling of dread within every one of the soldiers became stronger...

Fear rising in the chests of the fighters.

Whatever awaited them at the end of that path... It's not gonna let them pass without a fight.

"HALT!" the voice of the yellow leader echoed throughout the Rocky terrain.

The soldiers stopped as the leader held up his hand as a sign of stop.

They stood in front of a castle seemingly built into the wall of a cliff.

The base has a front yard completely infected with darkness... The darkness spread to the terrain around it and in the middle of it all was the base.

"whoa... That looks kinda like a... Core... Or a heart" orange steve gasps as he looks around the area, eyes landing on the gates of the base.

"... The heart of darkness... Gotta say... They don't go small on their bases." violet leader says as he makes himself a mind map of the building.

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