Ch. 3: the beginning of the end

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*Red Steves pov*

"urgh-Damnit!" I curse to myself.

I'm an idiot.

I should have gone to the temple as soon as I saw that... That thing!



The catalyst arrived.

They fell out of the portal that was said to lead to their world.

I tried to attack them while they were still powerless, but they managed to get away.

I spent a while looking for them when I realized that they might be heading to the temple.

And of course I was right.

They were there, they opened the gate and released the darkness.

I should have seen all this coming.

The prophecy said this would happen, yet... I let it happen!

The only reason I was supposed to be here, was because I should have stopped the catalyst as soon as they joined the world.

Now it's too late.

What's even worse.

One of those condensed darkness' infected me...

No... Not even infected...

It's becoming a part of me...

The one that was standing on the red pedastol first talked to the catalyst and then attacked and fused with me...

I...I'll... I'll have to ask orange to destroy me later...

Right now I'm on the ground.

That fusion thing really hit hard...

I should go.

I stand up and run out the temple.

The catalyst isn't even paying attention to me...

Well-my chance to run I guess.

As soon as I regain my composure a bit more I make a plan on what to do next.


Orange steve.

Bring orange steve the red crystal.

Tell him to create the hero.

Give him the book with all the information on how to create the hero.

Warn the orange steve's, so they can can warn the rest of the world.


To my house.


I look around at the clearing where my home is...

I'm going to miss this...

I walk into the house and grab the book.

Then I flick a hidden lever in a chest.

I walk outside and a small door in the side of the mountain opened.

I walk in to find my crystal safe and sound.

I take it and head back out to the clearing.

I take one last look at this place I called home.

"... Goodbye..." I quietly say with a sad smile and teleport.

---teleporting to Orange steve's house---

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