Ch. 12: Plans, Plans, Plans...

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*orange steves pov*


sooo... I might've not listened to what sabre said and... Followed him.

Yeah... Funny, happy and I snuck into the nightmare kings castle...

We did find sabre but... Um... Before we could break him out... Someone else did.

More specifically... Someone who's working for the darkness.


New fact....

It looks like nightmare has problems with the darkness...

I mean... I should have expected this... He's basically fighting the darkness within him and trying to control it...

I guess the darkness doesn't like that...


The bad thing about this all is that... Sabre's been taken by the darkness. And that's very bad!

The nightmare King was like... Screaming something about sabre being a key to deafeating darkness...

So... Now the darkness has him.

I don't wanna find out what they're gonna do with him.

Poor sabre... We gotta free him!! >:[

We gotta safe him from the darkness >:]

But first we gotta find him.

"Okay! Uhm... What do we do." funny sighs as he takes of the golden armor.

We used that armor to disguise ourselfs and to get into the castle.

"uhm... We have to find out where the darkness exact location." happy adds as he finishes taking off the armor and gives it to a yellow steve with a leather chestplate.

"yeah. We have to find sabre. We should inform all the leaders first tho..." I say as i take off the gold boots.

"yep, I'm in on that" funny agrees.

Happy nods as well.

"okay... I think we should split up... I'll talk to the true yellow king, happy, you go talk to the violet leader and funny, you go tell the orange leader. Is everyone alright with that?" I make sure they all agree before we head of.

They all agree as we split up and teleport to separate places.

I let the lightning fade as I reach the gates of the outpost.

I greet the guards in a hurry and then head inside.


Time to explain all this to the true yellow king... This is gonna be... Hard.

Even tho he only met sabre for 5 minutes... He already grew quite attached

Well... This is gonna be... A disaster.

*3rd pov*

*somewhere faaar away*


"Violet leader, please calm down... We're all worried and are already trying to find him." a certain happy steve trys to reason with the stressed leader.

"so you're telling me to calm down when an innocent person was kidnapped by the darkness?!" the violet leader argues back.

"please listen... We understand your concern, but we'll find him. We just thought you and the other leaders should know about this" happy trys again to calm him.

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