chapter two

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Chapter Two 

They all stared at me with tears filling there eyes.  

"Elisa why didn't you tell us?" Zayn asked.  

"I tried to but with you guys on tour it was hard to get ahold of you guys" I started go cry as soft curls brushed against my check. I cried into Harry's chest.  

"Don't ever leave us. El. Please don't ever leave" I felt something wet fall onto my back.  

"Harry are you crying"  

"No I'm sweating out of my eyes" I pulled him out of the hug and starred at his green eyes little tears escaping.  

"I'm not going anywhere." One by one I got a hug from Harry first. Then Liam smiling sadly. The Zayn whispering "what type of cancer?" "Breast cancer" "then I'm taking you to a tattoo parlor." "Why?" "Because my friend is a survivor." He pulled out of the hug and smiled.  

I finally got a hug from Niall and he pecked my cheek. "I'm glad your okay" I lastly got a hug from Louis. He hugged my tightly and I felt protected. His hug was tight but not suffocating. He slowly pulled away looking into my blue eyes. "We all missed you but mostly me" he smiled and walked over to the rest of boys. " I love 

you guys" they all ran over and I started to cry again I finally realized how much I missed them. The smell of them. There silliness. There smiles and mostly niall's hunger. His stomach growled and we all backed away. "Was that even human?" Louis asked. We all ran into the kitchen and ate our hearts out.

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