chapter thirteen

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Zayn's Pov

i sat in my flat thinking. but all i could think about was Elisa. i wanted to talk to her but it was midnight she was probably asleep. but i couldnt help but wonder what we could be together. i kept thinking about the way her grayish eyes sparkle and light up a room just like her smile. her perfect lips. and white teeath. the way her light brown hair had little waves in it. she was perfect. but when i heard she could sing. man, i felt like she was the one for me. but no. louis had to come and sweap her off her feet. literally.

i felt my anger boilling in my blood. i clenched my fists. i slowly relaxed remebering that she was still single. i felt my phone vibrate besides me. i had a text. and from the last person i wanted to talk to right now.

From: Louis the tommo Tomlinson

come over to me and harry's flat tomorrow niall will be coming home from the hospital and liam and danielle will be coming! 

i ignored his text and tried to fall asleep. tomorrow will be the day i tell elisa how i feel. its now or never. 

Niall's Pov

i was laying on my hospital bed after a ruff night of sleeping. i was uncomfertable with my foot hanging in the air. will all the cords attached to me. i waited to be picked up by one of my mates. when i got a text.

From: Zayn

i think i like elisa. but the problem is i think she likes louis. 

to: Zayn

tell her today. 

i set my phone on the table next to me i didnt want any drama today. i quuickly fell asleep and dreamed peacefully.

Liam's Pov

i was in the car on the way to the airport. danielle was flying out here. i waited in the baggage claim to see her. slowly a skinny femine figure walked my way. 

"hey li" she spoke. i grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. god i missed her. i let go and walked her to the car. on the way to the hospital we told jokes and cought up with each other. i parked the car and we strolled inside.

"can i help you?"

"hi im here to pick up niall horan" 

"you need to fill out some paper before. i'll let him know your here." with that she spun her chair and waked up to his room. 

danielle and i sat in the waiting room for him to come down. i noticed a blonde irish man with crutches making his way over to us. danielle gave Niall a hug while we where leaving the place, we where now heading to lou's which should be intresting.

Elisa's Pov

i let the warm water drip down my back as i scrubbed my head. i quickly rinsed the condionter from my hair. i grabbed my razor and began to shave my legs. once i had almost finished i got cut. i quickly rinsed it under water and dried off. i turned the cold handle off and jumped out. i placed toliet paper on the cut until i was dry. i carefully slipped on a pair of purple shorts and a white jack wills shirt that belonged to harry. since i moved in with them i was always stealing their clothes. i guess they had gotten used to it because they havent yelled at me. 

i grabbed a band aid a placed it on my cut. i slathered on lotation on my legs and dryed my hair. put on some light makeup and headed down stairs.

i found a sleeping louis on the couch. i slowly crept up to him and pounced on the so called carrot loving boy. he let out a deep sexy moan. 

"time to get up carrot boy" i whispered into his ear.

"fine. get off me first love" he said in his morning voice. i starred at him for a few more mintues until he finally pushed me off. i ran up the stairs and he followed. he pushed me up agaisnt the wall slowly grinding his hips into mine and whispered with his hot breath into my ear. 

"dont call me carrot boy" then he kissed my lips and went inside of his room. i slowly walked over to harrys room i opened the door to see a tiny figure spooning with a curly mop. soon louis joined me at the door way.

"shall we?"

"we shall." with that we ran into the room and jumped on the bed waking the two up. 

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