Chapter seventeen

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-1 month later-

all the boys where singing to my belly because you could really see the baby bump. i smiled  at them. 

"you guysbare going to be great with the baby" i smiled. then i walked up stairs with louis and layed down in bed. 

"goodnight love" 

"goodnight lou"

hours later i woke up in a wet substance.  stood up to find blood in the bed.

"LOUIS!!" i screamed. he jumped out of the bed to see the blood as well. 

"we need to get you to a hospital." 

the whole drive i felt something horrible was going to happen. something didnt seam right at all. 


louis sat out side of the emergency room on a small chair with his head in his hands.  all he could do was think about his girlfriend and the baby. the doctor walked up him. he slowly lookd up tears threating to spill. "please be good news please"  he thought. 

"Im sorry, but she had a miscarriage. which is why she bleed" she said. "im very sorry sir."

he gave a sad smile. "thank you anyways" as soon as she left louis felt the salty tears fall down his face. he didnt know what to do so he pulled out his phone and called the lads. 10 mintues later the boys ran into the emergency room and found louis on the floor crying. harry scooped the 21 year old into his arms.

elisa slowly camp out of the room she was in. sobbing. wondering what she did to diserve this. she walked into the waiting room to see all the boys crying and holding louis. niall and elisa made eye contact and ran to her. he held her in his arms. both of them crying. 

"im sorry el. im so so sorry" he sobbed. she just held onto him crying into his perfect little neck. he carried her to the other boys and they all held eachother and cried. 

that night they all stayed at harry and louis's flat eating ice cream and watching movies.



elisa sat in the bedroom starring out side of the window. refusing to eat and drink. just sat there. the boys each trying to get her to move. but she refused. wouldnt talk, eat, drink. stuck in pain. and shock. even after a week had pasted.

"elisa, baby come eat.." louis begged. Elisa stayed in her spot and didnt move. louis slowly brought over a plate full of eggs, bacon, and toast. he set it on the gorund next to her. then he slowly left the room tears threating to spill. 

Elisa's Pov

My eyes moved from the window and down to the plate of food Louis had left me. my tummy grumbling at the sight. i picked up the fork and stabbed the eggs. i shoveled the food into my mouth and ate. i finished in less then a minutes. or so it seamed.

i still felt empty with out my unborn baby. i moved up and off the bed, walked over to the bathroom and grabbed a razor. i placed it on my hip, and slowly put pressure and dragged it. small tears spilled over my face. i dropped the razor and grabbed a bandaid.

i never was on for self harm but losing my baby, it made me do things i never thought i would. i threw my hair up into a bun. i put on a new pair of black sweats on, a white v-neck, a pair of raybands and my white vans. i picked up my phone and called niall.

Niall's Pov

i was sitting down stairs with all of the lads. we where all worried about elisa. i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. 


i answered te phone and put her on speaker.

"hello?" all the lads starred at the phone.

"niall, take me to nandos?"  i smiled at her question. 

"course el. you ready to go?"

"yeah. im all set. when i come down stairs..and im speaking to ALL OF YOU because i can hear me on speaker phone...dont bambard me with questions."

"SORRY!" all the lads yelled. she softly giggled. it seamed like the elisa we used to know was slowly coming back to life. she hung up and bounced down the steps. Louis refused to look at anyone lost deeply in thought. he probably didnt hear the phone converstation. 

liam walked over to the lad and clapped in his face making lou screamed and  jump into a ninja postition. everyone was doubled over in laughter. elisa was rolling on the floor with harry. liam was laughing so hard that no sound came out so he looked like a retarded seal. zayn was just laying on his facing laughing. i was just plain laughing on the couch. louis  began to laugh with everyone else.   

"ARE WE GOING TO NANDOS OR WHAT!?!?!" i yelled. louis became aware elisa was down stairs and he walked over to her. he placed his hand on her hip and she fliched at his touch.

Louis's Pov

i looked round the room still laughing with everyone else. through my tears i saw a slim, small figure. i wiped my eye and walked to her i missed her so much. i placed my hand on her hip and she flinched at my touch. i gave a puzzled look and she backed away. 

Elisa's Pov

louis walked over to me and put his hand on my hip. i flinched in pain and bit my lip trying not to scream. i backed away from louis and he gave a questioning look. thank goodness liam broke the silence.

"okay i have an idea. me and niall will go get food from nandos. and harry louis and zayn you guys go grocery shopping then we will met back here at hmm about threeish? okay? alright let get going."

everyone filed out off the flat. and into the cars. i knew excalty what was going to happen. and what they where going to ask. and quite frankly i didnt want to explain myself or answer. 

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