chapter six

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~at the fair~ 

"nia will you win me a stuffed animal?" victoria asked niall

"anything for you love" we all walked over to the game booth.

"5 for 3 balls" the man said

"here you go" niall handed the man the money and threw the balls at the milk jugs and missed. 

"nice try young man. would you like to try again?"

"ye-" niall was cut off.

"NO I WOULD LIKE TO TRY!!!" Louis yelled. he pushed his was through the boys and handed the man the money and threw the balls at the milk jugs.

"WE HAVE A WINNER!!"  the man yelled.

"OH YEEEEEES!!" lou bursted with excitement."so vic which one do you want?" he looked at her with pure joy in his eyes. she smiled at his question.

"i would like theee....." she paused thinking. "i want the giant monkey!!!!!!"  she screamed. the excitement in her voice wasnt hard to miss. the man handed her the monkey and we walked away.

"hey el..wanna go on the faris wheel?" zayn look me in the eyes and smiled.

"oh..of course! niall will you look after victoria while me and boo bear go on the faris wheel?" louis looked at me then zayn. jealousy in his eyes. he quickly looked away. 

"sure love!  me and the boys will watch her" niall smiled. i returned a smile as well. me and zayn then ran to the ride. 

"i have to admit scared of heights" i admitted.

"its okay i'll be there with you" he smiled at me. we got onto the ride and as soon as it started i covered my eyes and held on tight to zayn. 

"hey its okay! now uncover your eyes and let  go" his voice calmed me down. i slowly uncovered my eyes and looked into his chocolate eyes. i loosed my grip on the bar infront of me. he slowly moved his face closer to mine. his lips touched mine and after i realized i quickly loosened up and kissed back. the ride came to a stop and it was finally over. we got off the ride with big smiles on out faces. 

we looked for the boys. after about 20 mintues we found them on the marrie go round with victoria. once they all got off louis eyes traveled from me to zayn then down to our hands that where held. there was a pained look on him then happiness washed over him. he looked at his phone to answer a call.

"soo how was the faris wheel?" harrys green eyes starring into mine. 

"it was spendid" zayn said 

"we gave victiora some pink floss if you dont mind" liam said. i looked over to vic who was running around with pink cotten candy all over her face. "it might, er, uh, not have been a, uhh, good idea.." liam looked at me with guilt in his eyes. 

"hey liam its okay i probably would of bought her some too" i gave him a small smile. louis finially returned from his phone call with a giant grin on his face. 


"who is lou's 'lover' ?" i asked. 

"Eleanor Calder his girlfriend" niall said. i felt my heart break a little. how come they never told me he has a girlfriend? my thoughts where soon broken when someone shook me.

"hello? earth to Elisa!" liam was shaking me. 

"sorry guys i was lost in thought"

"its okay! we're going back to louis place" harry said with his raspey voice. 

we all filled into the car. but it bothered me that niall never told me louis had a girlfriend...ugh maybe im obessing over this. my thought was broken yet again when zayn took my hand. i definitly had a soft spot for this boy. i put my head in to the crook of his neck. he smelled like tobacco and his cologne. i stayed like that for a while until i fell asleep in his arms.

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