chapter twenty four

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Naiya's Pov

i rolled my eyes at zayn. i looked over at harry. he was playing with Isaac. the little baby stuck his fingers in harrys house and gurgled. hazza laughed. i checked my phone. 12:45pm i looked over at Zayn.

i quickly typed up a message. 

TO: Zayn Malik.

it's almost one. we need to get going. like now.

i hit send and i watched as zayn checked his phone. 

FROM: Zayn Malik

i know i know! but we cant look suspious! harry might suspect something! say your going to your mums and just wait outside of the door and i'll meet you out there.

i looked at him and nodded. 

"hey guys im gonna go visit my mum i need more clothes" i quickly slipped on my shoes and walked out side. i waited outside the door. zayn slipped though the door.

"ready to go?" 

"sure" i looked down at my feet and followed zayn to his car.

"i know you feel bad about going behind harrys back but its what needs to happen until we tell them."

"lets tell them today!!!" i yelled.

"fine." we pulled into a drive way. i got out of the car and walked up the drive way behind zayn he knocked on the door.

"ah zayn how are you son?" his father asked. 

"fine. but i would like you to meet Naiya" i stepped out from behind him. i looked at him and smiled.

"hi Mr. Malik"

Zayn's Dads mouth dropped. "yo-you-your jessica's daughter?"

"yes" he pulled me into a hug.

"i am so sorry Naiya"

"its okay" i looked at him. i couldnt believe i just met my biological father. 

i quickly typed up a message to elisa


i just meet my biological father  

not even a second later i got a reply from her.


well...? who is he?/

i wrote a reply and hit send


it's zayns' dad. im his half sister.


oh wow. really?? no wonder you two are so close now. makes more sense harry thought you where cheating on him but it's all cool now.


"well that was just intresting" zayn smirked.


"half sister" 

"shut up"



Elisa's Pov

i stood in the kitchen grabbing two bottles when two arms wrapped around me. louis stuck his head in my neck.

"hey babe" he said into my neck.

"hey lou" 

"leave the bottles. go get changed"


"trust me. now go!" he shoved me out of the kitchen and i walked up stairs. i groaned at the fact of wearing actual pants instead of sweat pants. i slipped off my neon purple seat pants and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a gray sweater. i pulled on a pair of ugg's and grabbed a pink scarf.

i hopped down the stairs.

"ready to go?" 

"yep. so where are we going?" 

"somewhere special." 

"whos watching the kids?" 

"danielle and perrie." i sprinted into the living room to find purple haired girl and a curly haired girl.

"ELISA!!!" they sheriked. i ran over to them and hugged the two girls.

"i missed you guys!" i yelled. i lookd over at the babies starring at us. 

"haha break it up girls i need to steal elisa now or we're gonne be late!" he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

"BYE!" i yelled.

i walked out to the car with louis. he opened my door

"thank you." 

"your welcome" he smiled and he walked to his side.

Louis's Pov

i coudn't work up the nerv to tell her that in two days we where going back on tour. i asked simon if her and the twins could come but he said that it would be to hard on the little infents. i put up a fight. but he wouldnt budge.

i looked at elisa, she looked beautiful tonight. i didnt wanna leave her and the twins. i pulled into the parking lot.

"only london has an 24/7 fair" she giggled and got out of the car. "first one to the games win" she began to run off. i laughed and caught up with her. i came up behind her as she was running and wrapped my arms around her. elisa began to laugh. 

"looou let gooo!"

"NEEEEVEEER!" i laughed and threw her over my sholder she started punching my back and i just laughed she was so childish at times. but then again so was i. i dropped her and began to run again. i hid behind a sign as she ran past i popped out. 

"AHHH LOUIS TOMLINSON!! you scared me!" she was cluchting her chest on the ground. i was next to her laughing my arse off.

"elisa. i have something very serious to tell you." she looked at me concern filling her eyes.

"what is it lou?"

"im leaving...for a tour with the lads in two days." her gaze dropped from mine. the once beautiful smile on her face turned into a sad frown. i scooped her up from the floor and held her in my arms.

"you cant leave! who is supposed to help with the twins!?!" she cried into my chest.

"hey look at me." i pulled her face up so it was facing mine. "your going to be fine." i wipped the tears from her face. i cupped her face and kissed her one the lips.

"i promise you i'll visit and nothing will come between us." she gave a sad smile. " i love you"

"i love you too."

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