Chapter Eight

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Louis Pov

"whats wrong lou?" she asked. god my name sounded so comforting coming from her lips.

"while you where sleeping in the car" i started to cry again. she came over to where i was and held me in her arms. usually i would enjoy having a girls boobs in my face but i was too focused on eleanor. 

"its okay lou. shh everything will be fine" she was trying to comfert me.

Elisa's Pov

"its okay lou. shh everything will be fine" i was trying to make him feel better to tell me what happened. we sat there like that on the floor with him in my arms for awhile. "are you ready to tell me now?"

"yes" he sniffled and told what happened. once he finished tears threatened to spill out of his eyes yet again.

"oh im so sorry lou! would you like to go down stairs and watch a movie with the lads? maybe eat some ice cream?"

"can i sit with you?"

"of course boo bear!" we walked down the stairs. all the boys looked at us but mostly louis. 

"are you okay mate?" liam asked.

"im fine Elisa helped me" he looked at me with a sad smile. we walked into his kitchen to grab a some ice cream and spoons and one fork. we handed out buckets of ice cream and we all sat on the couch except me and louis he was seated on the ground and i came and sat next to him. we started the movie which of course sense liam was there toy story.

"are you okay lou?" i whispered.

"im a tad better now love. thank you for asking" he whispered back. i started to get tired and put my head on louis sholder. zayn kept glarring at us but i ignored him. i soon fell asleep that way.

Louis Pov

i scooped up Elisa in my arms and carried her into my arms and took her back upstairs and to my room. i layed her on the bed and got a pair of my boxers and a t-shirt for her. i unbuttoned her pants and tried not to look at her. once they where off i put the boxers on her. i took off her shirt and slipped on the t-shirt. i placed the covers on top and looked at the beautiful girl. i kissed her forehead and walked back down stairs.

once the movie ended everyone was asleep and spread out everywhere. i made my way back up stairs and climbed into bed with Elisa. she turned and moved her way closer. i pulled her into my arms and held her close. she spoke in her sleep.

"i love you" it cought me off gard. 

"i love you too" i whispered but it didnt seam like i loved her as a friend it felt like way more coming out of my mouth. 

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