Chapter nineteen

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Elisa's Pov

"ELISA THIS ISNT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" lou yelled. i continued running away and out to the car. i looked for my purse. my purse. i left it in the restruante. i mentally face palmmed my head. i took off my heels and started to walk. the flat wasnt that far away. 

"ELISA!!!! COME BACK!!! LET ME EXPLAIN!!!" i heard him yell. but i contiuned walking. i felt a cool drop on my head. i wiped it away. a small drizzle began. then formed into pouring ran. i walked a little faster. i felt a car pull up next to me, louis. 

"elisa please get inside the car."


"why?!"he rose his voice a little.


"she kissed me. and if you didnt leave she wouldnt of kissed me."

"i highly doubt that." i ignored him and continued walking. he drove away and i silently cried. thank goodness for the rain. no one would notice.

Louis's Pov

i drove away. i had given up on trying to tell her what happened. she wasnt going to believe me. i drove back to me and harry's flat. i pulled it to see two other cars. great the lads where here. i slammed the car door and walked inside. 

"where's elisa?" niall asked. i ignored him and walked straight into my room. 

Niall's Pov

okay then...? louis was acting weird but where was elisa?

"so i'll get the nando's?" i asked. i got a sieres of noddes and walked out. i started the car and began down the street. i saw a famliar figure sitting on the curb with their heads in there hands. i pulled over to see elisa crying with her heels in her hands. she looked up and i found her sad gray eyes with make-up smeared. 

"wha-what happened el?" 

"i was at dinner with louis and eleanor and i went to the loo and i came back and found them kissing!!" she began crying again. 

"hey come here" she staggered over to the car. i opened the passenger door. and she jumped inside. "did you tell him?"

"no..i didnt have the chance..." 

"oh elisa" i grabbed her and held her in my arms. "go lay in the back i have to pick up nando's for me hazza and zayn" she climbed over the seat and layed in the back. now i understand louis's anger/pain. 

we arrived back at home finding everyone on the couch and louis in his room still. 

"i'll be back." and with that elisa slipped up stairs.

after a short bit we heard screaming and yelling. then it went silent.

Elisa's Pov

i walked up the stairs and into the room to find louis curled up in a ball on the bed. 

"hi lou" 

"elisa" he turned and looked at me. "please forgive me i didnt kiss her she kissed me" i took off the wet clothing and slipped on a pair of sweat pants. 

"elisa..what happened to your hip?" i grabbed a shirt and pulled it on. he was talking about my scar. 

"nothing lou. i guess it happened a while ago i AM clumsy." i hoped my story was believeable. 

"oh you forgive me?" 

"how can i louis!!!! you kissed your EX- GIRLFRIEND!!!" i spat.




"am i louis!?! i am so stupid that i have fallen in love with you and is carrying your BABY!!!! again!!!" i yelled. 

louis went silent. almost too quite. the silence was interrupted when he spoke.

"you're pregnant again el?" he asked quietly

"yes" he walked over to me and wrapped me in his arms. 

"elisa please forgive me. she honestly kissed me there are videos on youtube. i want us to be together and not have it ruined. please for the baby" he spoke. he leaned down and kissed my forehead. 

"fine. but i want some thing in return."

"anything for you."

"good. haha" he smiled and held me. i layed down on the bed and layed in his arms.

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