Chapter Fourteen

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Harry's Pov

i got a text from Zayn, lately i have been his rock. but this really worried was the day lou and Elisa where gonna break the news that they where dating which i understand why they kept it a secert for three months. 1 of course management 2 Zayn Malik..Zayn really fancies that girl..this was going to a drama filled night for sure.

Danielle's Pov

over the past few days me and Elisa have been unsperateable. i took her shopping and we went on out on little dates (no homo xD) i do miss hanging out with eleanor but elisa is cool. we where driving to harrys flat.

elisa tapped my sholder bringing me out of mu trace. 

"You okay?"she asked

"peachy" i replied. we pulled into the driveway. zayn ran out and went striaght to elisa. thats odd.

Elisa's Pov

zayn ran right to me. 

"hi" he breathed.

"hey. wanna help with the bags?" i held up a bag full of veggies creating space between us. he grabbed and bad and frowned. he trugged back inside with arms full with bags. any other time i would of loved to have zayn so close to me but now that i have a boyfriend...i just didnt feel that way about him. 

i walked inside and dropped the bags on the kitchen counter and bounced up stairs. i stripped down and step into warm water. minutes later the door opened. 

"hello?" i said. suddenly my heart was beating faster. 

"ello love." i calmed down at the familiar accent. louis. "can i join?" i giggled at his question. 

"no! get out lou!"

"hey its not like i havent see you naked before." i popped my head from out behind the certian. my gaw dropped. he winked and walked out of the room. i shooke my head at his remark. i quickly showered and made a quick run from the bathroom to the bedroom. i held the towel close to me and ran as fast as i could.i slammed the door and turned around to find lou in the bedroom.

"oh look who it is" he said with a smirk. he pulled me close and kissed me. when he pulled back my eye lids fluttered open to a boy starring at me with his beautiful sea green eyes. i smiled at him. i noticed he hadn't shaved. his stuble looked edgy and sexy on him. i smirked and ducked under his arms that hea was holding me in. i slipped on a bra and some panties. i turned to find louis starring jaw dropped. i smiled. 

"take a picture it'll last longer" i quickly slipped on a rolling stones shirt and some ripped jeans. i dabbed on some make up and sat on the bed. louis looked at me with concern. and then at my belly. i gave him a puzzled look. he gave a reassuring smile. he grabbed my hand and we walked down stairs.

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