chapter nine

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Elisa's Pov

i woke up in a room i didnt reconize but then i remembered what happened last night. i looked next to me and no one was there i put my hair or what had grown back. i walked down stairs to see all the lads with out a shirt. i blushed at the sight of them. 

"so whats for breakfast?" i questioned.

"scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes" harry said. his curly locks everywhere. i hadnt realized how long i was starring at him. when a cheaky grin spread across his face. "like what you see?" 

"uuhh... um i just spaced out styles dont be so cocky" i giggled at his face once i said that. zayn walked up to me. 

"wanna get that tattoo today?" he asked his hot breath breathing down my neck.

"sure i just need to think of what i wanna get" i turned around to be face to face with him starring into his chocolate brown eyes. i turned away from him with my plate full of bacon, scarmbled eggs, and pancakes and bolted to the table with the other lads.

"HEY EL! SIT BETWEEN ME AND LOU!" niall yelled. i quickly moved my feet and sat between them. "hey guys" i smiled at lou and niall. louis gave a small smile.


niall quickly drove me back to my flat and i unlocked the door and ran up the stairs. i put on a purple and yellow t-shirt, jean shorts, and my white converse. i threw my hair up in a bun and but on some light make up and bounded down the stairs. 

"ready to go?" niall asked.

"yes! now lets go get my tattoo!" i was very excited that zayn was taking me to get my first tattoo but i had no idea what i should get. we ran out of the house and to the car we drove back to louis flat. once we got there zayn was already dressed.

"hey elisa you ready?" the bradford boy asked.

"yup!! lets go!!" i had a huge grin on my face as we went to his car. once we where alone he asked me what i wanted to get.

"i was thinking about getting something that said i refuse to sink or something like that but i dunno" it was quiet after that but then a song we both knew came on the radio. at first it just sounded like cow bells until liams voice rang through. 

"your insucure dont know what for..." as soon as that happened liam popped out from behind us. i screamed. liam continued to sing. then harry popped up and sang. i screamed again as one by one they all popped up and sang what makes you beautiful. i giggled as THE one direction where singing right infront of me, my best friends. then harry starred into my eye as he sung his solo. he gave a cheaky grin. once the song was over i questioned them.

"how in the bloody hell did you guys get in here!?!" i yelled. they all just laughed at my reaction. we finally arrived at the tattoo parlor and still wasnt sure what i should get. 

i walked into the room where a guy by the name of Cody was wait for me to get my tattoo.

"you know what you want?" 

"yep" i told him and i asked for to be on my wrist. getting the tattoo hurt so bloody bad. i just bit my lip and held back from cursing from the pain. 

i walked out of the room feeling all eyes on me. zayn walked up to me and looked at my bandaged wrist. 

"so what did you get?"

"i got a heart with an infiniety sign on the inside" i smiled at my wrist. and all of us walked out.

"hey look im sorry it just wasnt me and you like i wanted it to be the lads just sort of showed up"

"its okay malik. but you owe  me" 

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