chapter five

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Elisa's Pov

i woke up and found niall laying on the floor. i smiled to my self. i ran down stairs i quickly made some pancakes and satcmy little sister, victoria, watching "The Princess and The Frog". i picked up the 4 year old and set her on my lap. i heard the stairs creak and sliverware clank aganist a plate. 

"good morning niall" i look at the blonde boy with pancakes stuffed in his mouth.

"geowd moriufdjg elisejt" he replied. even though his mouth was stuffed i understood perfectly what he said. me and victoria giggled at him. niall finished his pancakes and sat down with us. he kissed victoria on the cheak and my nose. 

"so niall what are we doing today?" 

"we could go to a fair with the lads and vic" he looked at my sister, a giant grin spread across her little face. 

"pwease lisa" she looked at me with big full eyes.

"fine. call the lads"

~car ride~

zayn looked at me. "so how are you elisa?" 

"im fantasic, and you?"

"wonderful" he lended close "well now i am" 

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