chapter twenty

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elisa was sleeping with louis. when she was awoken by a  terrible feeling in her gut. she pulled off lou's arm and ran tp the bath room. lifed the toliet seat and began to throw up. 

morning sickness. 

hearing the poor girl emtpying her bowles into the toliet, louis jumped out of bed and grabbed her hair out  of her face and puting it up with a pony tail. he slowly rubbed her back whispering "it's gonna be okay baby" and "everything's alright". louis grabbed a paper towel from under the sink and handed it to her. she wiped her mouth and stood up. 

"thank you" she muttered. louis went to give her a kiss on the cheak when she put her hand up.

"i wouldnt do that if i was you" she laughed. she quickly brushed her teeth and walked over to louis who was sitting on the bed waiting for her.

"breakfast?" he questioned.

"yes please!!!" she followed louis and held her belly as she walked down the steps.

*BUUUUURP!* elisa covered her mouth, eyes wided open. she heard niall and louis doubled over in laughter. she soon began to giggle her self. she continued to walk down the stairs when she was pulled off her feet by niall who swung her in a circle and set her down. 

"good morning princess!" he said with a smile.

"good morning prince!" she laughed with her best friend. she looked into his eyes before he leaned in and whispered into her ear. Elisa's eyes widened and sparkled. she smiled and covered her mouth. 

"really?!" she asked

niall smiled and nodded. "dont tell him i told you though!!" louis walked into the the living room to find his best mate and his girlfriend. he stared at them blankly as they scrolled through baby clothing on the computer. he softly smiled at them. and brought the plate of food to elisa. 

"thank you!" she grinned and grabbed the plate. she shoveled the food into her mouth and let out a large burp. moments harry was giving naiya a piggy back ride down the stairs laughing. 

"your burp was so loud it woke me up!" naiya laughed. elisa smiled at the girl and pointed at her belly.

"dont blame me, blame the baby" naiya was doubled over in laughter and harry was grinning like a crazy person. 

elisa laughed and walked up the stairs and walked into the guest bedroom. and found liam and zayn sleeping. 

she slowly got onto the bed and started to jump.


"i swear to god louis if thats you im going to kill you!!" liam spat. elisa stopped jumping and liam looked up. "oh, erm, sorry. i thought you where lou" 

"DOES THIS PREGNANT BELLY LOOK LIKE LOU?" she yelled then busting with giggles.

"you are most definietly not the 18 year old i met last year."

"damn right! BITCH IM 19!!" elisa yelled. "your making me feel old! i cant believe lou is 22 year old now. he sure does not act like one." 

"thats sure as hell is true" zayn said. 

 we all started laughing at zayns statement. then liams face turned serious.

"Elisa dont you have a ultrasound today?" 

"yeah why?"

"its almost noon, love." 

"shit. okay thanks" she dashed out of the room and into her own to find louis brushing his teeth.

"GGET DRESSED LOU!!! WE HAVE AN ULTRASOUND TODAY!!!" she yelled and tore off her sweat pants and slipped on a pair of light washed jeans and slipped on a black sweater and her purple vans. she ran into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and her hair. she placed her striaghtened hair in a braid to deal with in the car. she lightly brushed on some make up. while louis struggled to find something to wear. he found a  blue and red striped sweater and slipped on red jeans. and placed a pair of converse on. 

"ready to go?" he asked.

"yep." elisa grabbed her purse and ran down the stairs with him. dragging him to the car. he slipped the keys in and started the car. it took only 20 mintues to get the doctor's office. louis was bounding into the office with excitement. they decide before they didnt wanna know the gender of the baby but lou finally got his way and today they where gonna find out. 

"Elisa Anderson" the man said. the two stood up and walked over.

"come with me" he guided them to their room. "Doctor Graham will be with you shortly"

the couple sat awkwardly in the room waiting for the doctor. 

"hello im sorry for the wait im Doctor Graham" the lady shook both of their hands.

"Louis Tomlinson"

"Elisa Anderson" 

"hello Elisa. so today you two are gonna find out the sex of your baby!" she clapped her hands together excitedly. elisa layed back on the table and pulled up shirt reveling her belly. Dr. Graham squirted the cold gel on her. and began to rub it in with the moniter soon a picture of a baby pop onto the screen. 

"okay see that right there?" she pointed to a part of the baby. "congradulations yourr having..."

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