Naiya, Elisa and the twins. *SPECIAL CHAPTER*

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Elisa's Pov

i smiled and watched Isaac play with Shae and her dolls. several months had passed since Louis left. My smile dropped and i shook my head. i mentally face palmed my self scratch that i legit face palmed myself as Naiya entered the room.

"someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." she smirked and sat on the couch and sipped her coffee. 

"MAYBE. maybe. has harry called you?" i wondered. her and harry had gotten extremely close over the time they left us. 

"..yes" she paused. "i just got off the phone with him. he says he, zayn, and liam would like to visit you and the kids."

"oh of course! anything for my hazzabear!" i smiled at least three of the boys want to see me. i placed Isaac in his chair and grabbed him some food. "make me some coffee would you hon?" i asked.

        she jumped off the couch her slippers dragging on the floor. i sat across from Isaac laughing at him and he shoveled food into his mouth.  his bright eyes brilliantly shining. his soft curls everywhere. he looked like a little angle. i giggled as yogurt got on his shirt. i pulled it off and let him to continue to eat. Naiya emerged from the kitchen and she handed me my coffee. "ah thanks" she laughed softly. 

       i looked over to shae on the floor playing with her toys. she looked over at me and crawled over. "mummy" she whispered. she threw her hand up and i picked her up.  "want some food?" she nodded her head. alrighty. time to find food. i threw my locks up into a bun. and walked into the kitchen, i tapped my lip, thinking of what to make. an idea popped into my head. i grabbed eggs, bread, milk, and butter. i cracked two eggs into a small bowel. i poured some milk into it and began to beat the eggs. i grabbed a pan and put it on the stove and turn it to medium. i plopped two pieces of bread into the toaster. i poured the egg/milk mixture into the pan. there where soft sizzles and i began to make scrambled eggs. 

Louis's Pov

i watched quietly as she cooked. i had taken a private plane just to see her. but she sure didnt wanna see me. i probably seam like a creep.. i walked quietly 'in cognito' as she walked outside to her  mail box. 

"hello" she said and waved to me. i waved back. watching her walking her way back up the drive way Elisa dropped her mail as some back to blow away. i quickly ran and grabbed some of the mail. i walked up to her and gave them. "i think these are your's" i tried to muster a deep accent. 

"oh thank you sir!" she gave a polite smile and walked away. i finally released my breathe. and my stomach did a flip flop. 


ehhhp! okay be on the look out for the sequel to "remember me" and it is called " Begin Again" love you guys!

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