chapter twenty three

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Elisa's Pov

i heard a baby screaming. i rolled over to see the clock saying 12:30 am. i groaned and walked over to the cribs. Shae was fast asleep. of course it was Isaac. 

i picked up the sleeping baby and began to breast feed him. 

"wha-whats going on?" louis said sleeply.

"Isaac is hungry" lou moaned and plopped back on the bed. hes so helpful! (note sarasm).

Isaac stopped eatting. i held him and began to pat him on the back until he burped. he let out a soft burp and i began rock him back to sleep. i began to sing to the small child. ugh i hope he just sleeps!

"i have a dream. a song to sing. to help me cope, with anything. if you see the wonders of a fairy tale. you can take the future even you fail. i believe in agnels something good in everything i see. i believe in angles when i know the time is right for me i'll cross the stream i have a dream

he slowly dirfted off into his slumber and i placed him back in his crib. this was going to be hard. 


i woke up to an empty room. my gaze went to the clock 9:10. i groaned and walked downs stairs to find all the boys playing with the children. it was an adorable sight. i smiled and walked over to louis . i leaned down and kissed his forehead. he looked up and smiled. 

"hi Shae! hi Isaac!" they gurgled and looked at me from the spot they where laying on the floor. i laughed and sat next to louis.

"the boys seam to like the baby's" he said

"they better. i just hope they dont get confused with my irish accent and your british" i laughed.

"ah that should be intresting love." he pulled me in and kissed my head. 




"Naiya and Zayn are awake" liam mummbled. he rolled his eyes and continued to play with Shae. 

Liam's Pov

naiya and zayn got along well i suppose but ever since the other day.. well they've been acting like brother and sister. i hope they tell the others bloody soon. harry with most definitely get upset that they kept this.

"Naiya and Zayn are awake" i mummbled. dear lord there annoying! i looked back at Shae. she was holding my finger and making little sqeaks. i smiled she was adorable! i want a baby someday. 

Elisa's Pov

i felt my phone vibrate in my bra. i quickly pulled it out to find i had a missed call from Danielle and Perrie. ugh. scratch that 15 missed calls. i quickly called Danielle back odds are shes with perrie.

"ello dani"

"ELISA THANK THE LORD! we've been trying to get ahold of you and Naiya."

"i have twins remember NEW ONE DIRECTION BABY'S!!" i yelled.

"yah um thats why i called..." 

Zayn's Pov 

"ello dani" elisa smirked.

"i have twins remember NEW ONE DIRECTION BABY'S!!" she yelled. 

i looked at naiya hmmm i guess we sorta...i dont know..the same..yeah those are the same. she noticed me starring at her and she shot a glare.


"could you be any more stupid than you already are?" she spat.


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