The Last Chapter

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Elisa's Pov

a day had passed since louis told me about the tour. we where trying to balance out packing for his trip and taking care of the twins. i had been talking to my mum when buying a flat in Ireland came up. 


" what are you gonna do with the twins with out louis?" my mum asked.

"i was thinking about staying here, maybe finding a day care for Isaac and Shae and a job for me i need to make some money." 

"how about moving up here in ireland? i could watch them theres a house across the street for sale."

"oh mum! find out the infermation and get back to me on that! i would love to!"

"haha i new you where gonna be happy. i'll call you later love you!"

"love you too!" 


i grabbed louis's clothes out of the wash and stuck them in the dryer. i walked up stairs it was surprisingly quite in the house. i began to worry i found louis asleep in there room with the twins in his arms i slowly picked up shae and set her in her bed. i began to loosen lou's grip on Isaac but his grip only got tighter. i  leaned down and kissed him. his grip loosened i laughed at him softly.i picked up isaac and set him in his bed. 

i slowly rocked louis awake. he made muffled noises. 

"boo bear you gotta get up" 

"eandcidh" he mummbled. 

"lou get up"

"emph.fine" he sat up and looked at me with tired eyes.

"you gotta finish packing babe" he got up off the floor and walked slowly to our room. 

he pulled me in his arms and hugged me. 

"i'm gonna miss you elisa"

"im gonna miss you too lou" i hid my head in his neck. i was reminded of something. i bolted out of his arms. and began to walk out the door.

"I'LL BE BACK" i yelled. i ran to my car and drove to my friends flat. i ran out of the car and up the drive way. to find niall outside on the pourch.

"i knew you'd come." he smiled. he stood up and i ran into his arms. "babe i'll be back." i clung on tighter. i was going to miss my best friend. 

"i'm going to live in Ireland when you guys leave i get to see your mum everyday!"

"have you told louis?" 

"no. i will later. but here take this" i gave him the friendship bracelet he gave me when we were six


"eliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisa!!!!!!!" i heard an irish accent yell. 

"NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAALLL!" i ran down the stairs and tackled niall. 

"eewwww you have cooteys!!" he yelled and pushed me off of him. i giggled and pointed to his hand.

"whats that ni?"

"oh its for you" he put the pink yellow and blue bracelet on my wrist.

"thank you niall!" i gave him a hug.

"awe those two will end up being married" my mum joked.


"i cant take this from you."

"look horan, take it until you come and visit me again. "

"best friends forver?" i held out my foot.

"UNTIL THE DAY I DIE!" he yelled and stuck out his foot. i laughed at him and gave him one last hug.

"love you horan"

"love you anderson"

i walked out to me car and drove back to harry and louis flat. i heard moans from outside harrys room.

"naiya and harry....?" i asked

"yes they are its so gross" he made a face and stuck out his tounge. i laughed and he pulled me onto his lap. i kissed his nose and cuddled up to his body and shortly fell asleep.


i woke on the floor with two babies drooling on my face and hair i laughed and sat up. i looked and harry who was awake. 


"oh shut up" i smirked and ran over to him i began to pinch his cheeks and make baby sounds.

"two days harold. you'll be nineteen" i shook my head.

"DAMN RIGHT!" flexed his muscles and i laughed. i quickly realized the bags by the door and frowned. harry must have noticed because he looked at me with concern. "elisa i promise i will lo\ok after him. nothing will go wrong love. i promise you that."

i stared at him. i looked right into his beautiful green eyes. i knew he would keep his promise. i just had to trust him on that.


so that was the end of remember me. i would like to thank the people that did read. please tell me in the comments down below if you want a sequel or not!!! 

thank you guys!! lovey'all 

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