chapter three

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Chapter three  

Niall's Pov 

All I could think about after we ate was how much I missed out on Elisa's life. I could of been there when she was going through everything. I quietly walked out of the kitchen and ran out side. I silently cried out on the front porch. I heard the front for creek open.  

"It's not your fault you couldn't be there for her" a raspy voice spoke.  

"I just wish I could of helped her." Tears slowly ran down my face. I hear elisa yelling from inside. "where's Niall and harry?!?!" I heard running towards the front door and the door open slowly "niall? Are you crying?" 

"Yes. I just feel horrible for not being there for you and I missed you"  

"I missed you too nialler" I smiled at her. God. I forgot how beautiful she was. But i couldnt have a crush on my best friend and i knew she liked some one else anyways but that some one had a girlfriend...i guess i'll find some one some day

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