chapter twelve

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Niall's Pov 

Everything was in slow motion the acohol getting to me. i started walking into the street unaware that head lights started coming my way. soon i was smushed between the street and a tire. my head was pounding. i was hoping i was dreaming but the pain was all to real. i reached up to touched the spot that hurt. i pulled my head away and saw in the glising light blood. a man or was it a woman? anyways i heard some one trying to talk to me. i closed my eyes and darkness took over.

Elisa's Pov

we where in louis car driving to the hospital. maybe driving a little too fast. harry kept his eyes hard showing no emotion. while naiya and i sat in the back her holding me because i couldnt controll my tears. all i could think about was niall. i tried thinking back to when we where little. he was there when i was being pottey trained. when i took my first steps. my first heart break. he was my everything. my brother. i would never want him to get hurt.  we where the best of friends for such a long time that it was like we where connected. 

we arrived at the hospital i climed over naiya and scrambled to open the door. i unlocked the door and ran inside. 

"can i help you?" 

"im looking for niall horan"

"room 389"

i ran towards the back of the hospital with louis, harry, and naiya behind me. i pressed the button for the elevator . i kept pressing until it seamed like i broke it. the elevator finally came and i ran inside i pressed the button to the thrid floor. louis pulled me so i was facing him. 

"hes going to be okay Elisa" he grabbed my face and kissed my forhead. i gave a small smile. the doors opened and i walked to his room. 

381. 382. 383. i kept count the doors until i finally got to 389 and walked inside to find niall with multiple cords on him and stuck to him. my eyes started to water again as i walked over to him.

"hey..el..dont cry im fine i just had a bad accident" a weak voice spoke. a doctor walked inside. 

"which one of you is Elisa Anderson?" 

"me" i spoke with a small voice. he walked me outside.

"your friend Niall took a hard hit to the head. he lost alot of blood. he also broke his right leg" the doctor replied.

"so hes okay? when can he leave?"

"hes fine no head trama or anything else. he can leave tomorrow hes gonna be a bit sore" 

"thank you so much" i walked back into the room. i walked over to niall and gave him a hug. we all talked until niall slowly fell asleep. i took off my leather necklace that said friends forever and stuck it in his hand, i leaned down and kissed his forhead. i backed away and held louis hand and we slowly left the room. 

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