chapter eighteen

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Elisa's Pov

i sat in the back while niall and liam sat infront of me. 

"elisa if you dont mind me asking...why did you move at louis's touch?"

"um..well.." i pulled up my shirt reveling my hip. i slowly took off the bandaid. the air touching the wound made it burn. liams eyes became huge while niall pulled over the car. 

"w-wh-why are you stopping?" i said as i fumbled over my words.

"because this is move important." niall said coldly.  liams eyes starred into mine. 

"why...why did you do it?" he whispered.

"i lost my baby..and i felt so guilty and in pain. its my fault he or she isn't here." i cried. niall and liam climed into the back seat and held me in there arms. slowly brushing there fingers through my hair and telling me it was going to be okay but i knew it wasnt. nothing was. 

"dont tell boobear please" i begged. niall look at me with pain clearly in his eyes. 

"we promise." then and there we all held pinkies and promised not to tell louis.

Louis's Pov

"i just dont understand why she moved!"  i yelled.

"HEY! lou calm down. maybe she just sensitive. you both just lost your BABY." zayn yelled. his face was cold. his eyes as a hard as rocks.

i looked down. i guess it made sense. i pulled out my phone and checked twitter.

:@EL_sliky_smooth YOUR SUCH A WHORE.


@EL_sliky_smooth you need to pay for what you did. 

@EL_sliky_smooth your a whore and no one likes you including @Louis_Tomlinson. 

all the hate was pilled up. i got a DM from Eleanor. my heart sank. and i felt my stoumch turning. as i opened it.

im sorry for you and elisa's loss. :( please if you see this write back i would love to meet up with you sometime. 

i slowly began to type.

oh. thank you Eleanor. me and elisa are having a hard time. if we meet up can elisa come? i wouldnt wanna leave her after she had the miscarrage.

i hit 'send' and waited for a reply. i knew it porbably wasnt right for me to be talking to my ex-girlfriend but i sort of missed her she was a good friend. my phone beeped and i got a reply.

sure i would love to meet the girl. i heard she's really nice. i wont be able to meet up this month i happen to be in america at the moment. but i will be flying home in about a month. so yeah. keep in touch. xx

i didnt reply to her. i quickly typed up a tweet and quickly posted it.


leave @El_sliky_smooth alone she had a miscarrige. if you do not believe me ask any of the boys.

i sighed and slipped my phone in my pocket. i sat waiting in the car for harry and zayn to return with the gerocerys. i saw hem walking with harrys girlfriend, Naiya, back to the car with the bags. she smiled at me and waved. i gave a small smile. harry whispered into the girls ear. she nodded and sat in the back with me. i sat silent the whole ride back at the house. 


Elisa's Pov

i was getting ready for lunch with louis and eleanor. i had big news to tell at lunch. it had been a month since my miscarrage but so much more has happened a few weeks ago me and luis tried again for a baby.

i was brought out of my thoughts when i walked into a wall. zayn was right behind me laughing his arse off. i slapped the boy and walked into me and louis's bedroom.  

i slipped on a pair of skinny jeans, a white  bow back top and i placed on some black pumps. i lightly brushed on some make up. and straightened my hair. ever since i won my battke with cancer my hair had grown down to my ribs. i smiled. i slipped on some bracelets and a small necklace. 

i walked down stairs to find lou in jeans, vans, and a gray sweater. i smiled at him. his gase slowly meet mine and he gave a cheeky grin. 

"ready to go love?"

"yes" he grabbed my hand and we headed out to the restruante.

when we arrived there where paps standing around with cameras ready to flash. i puled on a pair of sunglasses and a hat. lou pulled on a beanie and sungalsses and we ran into the restruant. we laughed as we entered. we made our way to eleanor and sat down.

"its great to see you lou!  oh you must be elisa! your so pretty!" she said. i blused. 

"excuse me. i'll be right back" i got up and went to the restroom.


louis and eleanor sat at the table by themselfs. 

"so how have you been?" louis asked trying to make converstation. eleanor slowly slided over to lou.

"i've been great." she said. she moved closer. and closer until they where only inches apart. she moved her head forward and kissed the boy. sliding her tounge over the bottem of his lip begging for etrance. louis denied. he pulled away to find elisa standing there tears faliing from her gray eyes.

"ELISA THIS ISNT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!" louis yelled as she ran away. 

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