chapter four

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Elisa's Pov

~later that night~

after everyone left, me and niall set up a tent in my back yard and looked at the stars.

"remember when we where doing this and it started pouring and you slipping and fell in some dog poo?" i said between my giggles


we where laying in the grass and i look into ten year-old Niall's eyes. he gave a cheaky grin. something wet fell onto my arm.

"nialler i think its starting to rain."

"i'll believe it when i feel rain" suddlenly the rain began to pour. i screamed and started to run back to the house. i made it to the porch when i heard niall scream 

"EL!! SAAAAAAAVE ME FROM THE RAIN!!! AND PUPPY POO!!" i ran back out to see niall in dog poo laughing his arse off. i started laughing with him.



gahh!! tell me what you guys think!!

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