Chapter fifteen

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once we got down stairs we helped harry with dinner, which if we hadnt come to save the day would be ruined. i rbought the plates to the table. harry sat next to naiya. liam next to danielle. and the too single boys by themselfs. i looked at louis and he nodded at me. 

"i have an anoucement to make" he stated. "me and elisa are dating" once those words left his  mouth zayns face dropped and refused to look at anyone exept for his plate of food. he slowly got up out of his chair and walked quickly to the door.

"i..i' be back" he stammered while fumbling with the lock on the door. he opened the door and slammed it behind him. everyone jumped at the sudden boom.

Zayn's Pov

i was excited for dinner everything looked sooo good and yummy. Elisa looked at Louis and he nodded back. i gave a puzzled look at her but all she did was smile at me. 

"i have an anoucement to make" Louis stated. "me and elisa are dating." those words had enough strength to break my heart into a million pieces. i starred down at my food. i wanted to be happy for her but i just wanted to be the one she was dating not louis. so many thoughts went through my mind as i got up and went to the door.

"i..i' be back" i mummbled. i couldnt get the fucking lock off the door!!!!! i finally got it open and slammed it behind me. i didnt even care anymore. i just wanted to get rid off all this pain and anger. i got into my car and drove to the nearest club. i walked inside and sat on a chair.

"one beer please" i said to the man.

"you looklike you got your heart broken" he stated.

"thats exactly it! my bestfriend is now dating the woman i love and this is what i get!?!?!?!" so much anger was boiling into my blood. 

"i completely understand. my one friend and i got into a fight over both of our bestfriend. she was beautiful! and my friend ended up with her" this guy new excatly how i felt. and after a while i had already drank four beers and was a buzzing. 

"where is he?" i heard a famliar males voice say. god not now. im perfectly fine, well i was.

"zayn common lets go home" louis said.

"no! you stole the girl i was in love with!!" i spat. soon my fist connected to his jaw. i saw him stumble back. until he punched me back. i repeatedly punched louis in the stoumch. he slowly backed up. brought back his fist and punched me in the face. i fell to the floor. and felt someone kicking me. i grabbed the leg and brought them down. i looked at louis laying in pain, a small pool of blood forming. i slowly looked up to fine a pair of gray orbs starring at me. fullwith fear, anger, and pain. 

"elisa...please" i spoke. she looked at me filled with disgust. 

"HOW COULD YOU HURT YOUR BEST FRIEND HUH!?!?!?! DO YOU THINK YOUR TOUGH!?!?!" she yelled. her eyes filled with hate.

"elisa..stop.. look down.." was all i could manage. i heard a scream and someone yelling before i blacked out. 

Louis's POv

i woke up in a white room with cords attatched to me. i looked at the clock next to me. only 9 am. i had no idea why i was here. until i looked over to see my room was being shared with the man who had put me in here. i looked at the chairs to fine a small girl curled up. 

"elisa" i whimpered.

her eyes immediently bolted open.

"yes love?" she questioned.

"come lay with me" she walked her way over to my hospital bed and layed with me. i stroked her hair and she stuck her head into the crook of my neck. she smelled like fruits. yummy fruit. i realized i had been smelling her head i quickly stopped and remembered how creepy that was. harry walked inside of the room with a little bag.

"here mate." he laughed while handing it to me. i opened the bag to find a small baggie of carrots. i chuckled at him. i pulled the bag out and ate a few.

"THE CARROT KING HAS RETURNED!" i yelled. elisa and harry where doubled over in laughter. elisa's face soon went white. she ran into the restroom and threw up into the toliet. harry ran over and held her hair out of her face and rubbed her back. i felt so helpless just laying in the bed. i saw her wipe her face and flush the toliet. she held onto her belly. 

"im hungry. can i have something covered in chocolate?" she asked. me and harry gave her puzzled looks. 

"um elisa come with me.." harry took outside of the room. i immedently starting to worry.

Harry's Pov

i had feeling Elisa was pregnant. throwing up. morning sickness. the random cravings. she looked like she gained some weight. the only way i was gonna find out was if i took her somewhere. everything added up though. 

"elisa do you think your pregnant?"


"how long have you been waking up and throwing up?" i asked.

"umm a month i think....?" she soon became lost in thought.

"elisa i think your carring lou's baby.."

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